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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who is Better? Ray William Johnson (=3) OR Shane Dawson (Ask Shane etc)

What's happening forum? Who do you think is better Ray or Shane? In my mind Ray is because his epic hair and his reviews of epically hilarious videos. Shane tries to hard to be funny and has very poor humour in most of videos. Ray is so good he actually makes his own songs and Shane tries to but like I said before has bad humor and makes a fool of himself on YouTube. I got to admit that I was once a fan of Shane but his YouTube twin (Onision) had better videos so I lost interest in his videos pretty quick. Ray's videos will always be funny and won't get boring like Shane's. So America, who do you think is better? Ray or Shane?


  1. No no no. Shane is way better and you know it!!! Vote for Shane! Vote for Shane!!!!


  2. RAY WILLIAM JOHNSON! for the win. ;D

  3. RAY FTW ! :D Shane's pretty funny, but Ray . . . He's cute in his own ways (Cheyenne knows...) . ;D & Shane's hurt. (ugly) . haha.

  4. Dear Mystery Person- Please go back and "edit post" to put your name in your title. Then I will weigh in on this pressing matter of who is better. -Miss L
