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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Proud Moment- Bryan Waters

I have a lot of proud moments,but not one bad enough that my brother begs me to be proud again and follow him up to the little ride called a roller coaster. A roller coaster is the biggest fear i have besides heights. Most people love roller coasters and will do anything to go and ride them. I won't.
I hate roller coasters they make me sick. I hate to go and ride them, they go to a very high distance up in the air, then they go and fly really fast down the track and and down hills until it is all over.

The reason i hate these is that when you go on them it gives you a tingling feeling in your back, Makes me pass out and makes most people sick. My uncle who made me ride this with him and my brother. however he didn't mind it, I did.

So although i rode on them i tried to act cool and now my brother wont leave me alone until i go on these fast sloped monsters.

1 comment:

  1. Bryan- I too used to fear roller coasters. Now I love them. I finally said to myself, "what's the worst thing that could happen?" and I've been fine with them ever since. I avoid the ones that go upside down though. I don't like the way the shoulder harness jerks you around. -Miss L
