Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

spring break by heidi evelyn hulscher

     If it was spring break and there were no limits to what i could do i would go to Worlds Of Fun and ride the Mamba then i would go to school and mess all the teachers rooms up except for one and id throw all their papers in the water i would definately mess up Mrs.K's classroom i would fly through the sky i would turn invisible and scare everyone i would use magic to scare my brother out of his mind if he even has one i would eat at Cicis every day if it was healthy i would go to adventureland and ride all the rides i would catch money falling out of the sky i would buy all the ice cream i could eat i would annoy Mrs.Stewart so she wont come back to school and make us stay after 15 minutes before we go to lunch or 10 minutes before we go home i would dye my hair blonde i would go shopping for a bunch of nice clothes i would read peoples minds without getting caught i would use magic to be able to know everything

1 comment:

  1. Heidi- I started to read your post, and it was really interesting, but I go confused because all of your ideas run together. Your missing punctuation makes it hard for me to understand your ideas. Read over your post and when you read a complete thought, put a period. Then make sure you have checked your capitalization. -Miss L
