Okay, So Last Year I went To The Iowa State Fair With My Mom, Step Dad, And My Brother's. A Few Weeks Before the Fair, My Mom And I were talking about Rideing the Ejection Seat, It is a ride were they strap you into a Sling Shot Thing, They have to put Straps everywhere between your feet and your chest. So, The day of the fair We rode a lot of rides, But not any really scary ones. So right when we were about to leave, My mom asked me if I still wanted to ride the Ejection Seat, I told her Yes, But I was SUUPPERRR- DUPPERR Nervous. We were in line, and they were changing the bungee cords, for safety precautions, and there was two girls in front of us. They went on it together, and they were screaming. That made me even more nervous. On the ride they have a built in camcorder, so they video you while you are in the sky and play it down where you stand in line, so everyone can watch it. You can bye the video if you want to, but you don't have to. When it was me and my mom' s turn to go, I chickened out and didn't want to do it. My mom went on it, and told me to get on. So I did, But I was really scared. They were strapping us in and it seemed like it took them ten minutes. Finally, they were done, they all backed away and lifted us back to stretch it so it would fling up, they counted down from Three. THREE-TWO-ONE. But then nothing happend. I ws thinking, Oh My God Did It break What Happened ? Then They shot us in the air, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. It was CRAZY ! We were spinning and I could see the whole fair. We kept on going upside down and it felt like we were going to crash into the ground. It was SOOO Much Funn. Im proud that I went on Even Though I was scared. When I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell people about it because I was afraid and I Concored My fear. [: And You should ride this ride, Because it is AMAZING ! That was my PROUD time at the Fair. By : Addy Davis ! 
Addy- You are one brave soul. Ejection seat? Good grief. Even the name sounds terrifying. I'd like to say I'm a dare devil when it comes to cray rides, but on this one, I'm going to have to pass. I'll leave the extreme rides of terror to you. -Miss L
ReplyDeleteOhh,Hah. Thanks, And It Is Fun. Its only scary at First. [: