If some one where to look through my mp3, they would see... well a huge variety of of diffrent music. i hate most country music so thats not on there. im kinda picky about my music too. for some reason i have alot of old school songs on there (lolz) but thats the kinda music my dad likes the best. you would also see alot of recent songs to. and some bands that are on youtube. to tell you the truth, music is my life!
Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
My Dream Job. -Jessica M,(:
My Drean Job... Would Be... Umm... I Would Be A Secret Ninja With Meshell And We Would Go On Secret Missions And We Would Hunt Down Brandon And Shoot Him In The Butt. Thats Our Plan.(: I Love Her.
My Music! By Victoria(:
If people saw the kind of music I listen to on my iPod, they would think that... well to tell you the truth I don't really know what people would think. I have a mix of a bunch of music. I hate screamo, country, and rock music. There's a lot of techno, sad songs. love songs. and a bunch of other stuff.
P.S. Mitch Hewer is a sexy british guy! ;D -> 
Muuusssicc. -Jessica M,(:
If Someone Looked Through My Ipod , They Would See A Lot Of Rap And Some Rock. Theyd Mostly See Drake , Lil Wayne , Nicki Minaj , Waka Flocka Flame , And Wiz Khalifa.(; And Yeah. You Cant Really Tell Much About A Person By There Music ? Except For What Music They Listen To.. And Umm.. Bye.
Music can say alot in a person. I don't know how so i wouldn't be able to tell you. But I do know that it does say alot. If somebody from this school looked into my ipod, they wouldn't really like it. I listen to all types of music but mostly country. So I would doubt that people would like it.
kolton Whitmore Movie reveiw the roommate
I seen the Roommate awheil ago and its was horrable. The lady just messed with four people and a cat. She killed a cat and an old boyfriend and the movie was lame. She put a cat in the dryer. She tried to kill the main chick aunt but the the main chick was like no then the boyfriend came in and was like noooo but then he was hit with a lamp then the stalker got killed.
The music I listen to. By Cassadee Flor
If someone found my IPod, they would find screamo, hard rock, and techno. People would say that I'm Tri-Polar. One minute I'm sad, the next minute I'm hyper. I listen to Black Veil Brides, Slipknot, Blood On The Dance Floor, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Avril Lavinge, and Paramore. I don't like rap at all. It's so annoying. The only time I listen to rap is when it's B.o.B or lil' Wayne. But I love music with all my heart.

-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-

-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-
Music (:
If someone were to find my i pod and scrolled through it the would find a lot of hip hop. I love to listen to hit hop and sometime country. I love to listen to sad song. And love song are good to (:

Claudia Morales
If someone was to find my ipod they would see that I love music. I like to listen to diferent types of music. I like to listen to bachata,reggeton,hip hop and lots of other types of music. I love to listen to music.
Collin Anderson- Music
If somone went though my ipod they would see alot of rock and stuff like that. Dont really listen to rap. Thats all.
If someone found my ipod and scrolled through my playlists and favorites they would be able to tell that I love to listen to different types of music. I listen to reggaeton, pop, rap, and a some other types by various artists. I love music and listen to it all the time.
dakota,clarke music
MY favtie music is rap music all day. The reason why it is rap music. It is I rasie listening to rap music. Rasie listing to it my hole life even when I was little. I also listen to courty becusa my listen to it so I have no chocie but to.
Claudia Morales
Something I could not live with out is my ipod because I love to listen to music.If I didnt have my ipod I would be bored all the time. Especially in class I would be so bored because when im doing my work in class and I dont have my ipod to listen to I get so bored.
ipod: Rosemarie Scheel
If I had a ipod and someone found it I would have a lock on it so its hard to get in to but if they are smart and unlock it. If they where to go thru my favorits in my music they would think im a country gril with a brokin hart becuse I would have alot of sad songs like "dont take the girl by Tim Mcgraw" "just a dream by Carie Underwood" "this one's for the girl's" and many more song's like this

If someone found my ipod and saw my play list they would know i would be Mexican. The reason why would be because i would have alot of songs in Spanish.Another reason would be that their would be a little bit of English music.
If someone where to have seen through my playlist they would know that I was a latino who likes different types of music. I would mostly have Tropical or reggeton. I always like to listen different types of music. Techno and Dubsteb has to be my favorite types of music right now, they just always end up putting me in a good mood for some reason
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