For Hunger Games i will choose Peta because he was a great partner and for catniness.His adventures were wired I don't know how but wired. Well thats it for hunger games.
Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.
Monday, March 28, 2011
My Dream Job by ler gay
My Dream Job is to be a soccer player.If I can't make it to be soccer player I be police man.If I make it to soccer play i want to practic on weekend and have weekend off.I want to play midfield and deffence because u don't have to run alot.
4th Block is Awesome!
AS you know, we are on the cups of ITBS. The one test students take that is used nation wide to measure student learning. In preparation for the big test, we have been taking a practice test each week, for the past six week. Overall, my classes have shown tremendous improvements, but none of my classes come close to the growth my 4th Block has shown. The first test, was a sad experience. As a whole, the class scored a 32%. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I knew we had a long way to go, but I was not expecting 32%.
The next week- my class buckled down, put on their smart pants, and pulled out a whopping 65%. I was amazed. In one week, they improved by 33%. I began to feel at ease, and with each passing week, I began to feel more confident. Last week they blew the test out of the water with a score of 92%!
Way to go 4th Block. Now That's Awesome!!!!!
The next week- my class buckled down, put on their smart pants, and pulled out a whopping 65%. I was amazed. In one week, they improved by 33%. I began to feel at ease, and with each passing week, I began to feel more confident. Last week they blew the test out of the water with a score of 92%!
Way to go 4th Block. Now That's Awesome!!!!!
Dream Job By: Andrea Guzman
Dream Job
Right now I don't have a dream job. Sometimes I would like to be a orthodontist but that would be a long time in collage. Other times I would like to be an eye doctor but I'm not sure yet.
my dream job!
My dream job!!
My dream job will being a vet with my girlfriend Hannah! I say that because she wants to help stopping abusing animals! My second reason why is because I don't know what to do with my life. She is helping me to open up more to other people. My third reasoning is I work well with animals! Am I afraid of some them yes but I will work through it! Now ask yourself if you had an animal that you cared for and your family abused it wouldn't you help your animal no matter the case? Well I hope you do! I want to thank my girlfriend Hannah for helping me out with personal and out in the open problems! I hope we safe a whole ton of animals! Thank you again! Joseph B.McVey
proudest momment by michael g
My proudest momment was going to middle school.In 6th grade it was all scary because I was the smallest kid there.It was hard going through school.I miss elementry because we can go outside and hang out. Now i'm use to middle school now it is time to move to high school I might be small there too.
Team Peeta(: - Sidney Biondi.
Peeta is a HUNK. (: He's super super duper SMART. Heck, I want him(: Katniss can have what's his face. She doesn't deserve ePeta. It shouldn't take that long to decide who she wanted... STUPID. But that's all i have to say(:
Jessica & Meshell !(:
Jessica- Im Sitting Here again bored in reading ! With meshell.(: Were so mean ! Big one and little one.(: I love her !! ;D
This IS Meshell!!! I love JESSICA so muchh this iss myy sister....(: hahahahha(: BAMMMMM!!!! II LOVE HERR!!!!!(:
Try to poke it and see if it moves !!!
We Loovee Each Other !(: Were In Love With Some Other People, Also. You Cant Know !! SORRY!
THis Is Meshell: I LOVE JESSICA !!! <3
This IS Meshell!!! I love JESSICA so muchh this iss myy sister....(: hahahahha(: BAMMMMM!!!! II LOVE HERR!!!!!(:
Try to poke it and see if it moves !!!
We Loovee Each Other !(: Were In Love With Some Other People, Also. You Cant Know !! SORRY!
THis Is Meshell: I LOVE JESSICA !!! <3
Team Gale Hawthrone Brouhaha! :D
Ok so I'm pretty sure you guys know Gale Hawthorne from The Hunger Games books. I just wanna say that I am Team Gale all the way. I like Peeta and all but he's just too perfect. Plus Gale looks really really hot in my mind. ;D Anyways that's not the point but there's something about Gale that I really like. And his eyes really catch my attention because I've never seen anybody with gray eyes. Your opion doesn't really matter to me and won't change my mind but feel free to tell me them. :)
T I T A N I C ! -Addddy

The Titanic
Rate : Five Star !
The Titanic Is A Great Movie. It Is Really Sad Though. It Is Romantic, And Funny. It is about A Man Who is searching for a Necklace by the name of "The Heart Of The Sea" in The sunken boat 'Titanic' And All he finds is a Nude Picture of a Girl Wearing the Necklace. They Announce it on the news. Rose Calvert (Gloria Stuart) See's it on the news and contacts him. She tells him that the woman in the drawing is her. She told him the whole story, and then brings up Dawson. Dawson, Is a Boy who got on The boat because he won tickets while gambling.
Later, She is confronted by Dawson who convinces her to come up from the railing. Rose invites Jack to dinner as a thanks, and after Jack spirits her away to a third class evening of dancing. Rose decides to decide her own future and asks Jack, who is an acclaimed artist to draw her nude wearing only the Heart of the Ocean.
The two then find their way to the cargo hold and find a rich man’s car waiting for them. They proceed to make love in the back seat before the ship hits an iceberg. After the ship hits, water starts filling the Boat with water, and starts sinking. Everyone Rushes to life boats and they only let women and children on. They did not have enough life boats to carry everyone on the ship. The back of the ship started going down and everyone started running to the top of the boat. The ship broke in half and the ship started going down faster. Then the whole thing sunk and Rose And Dawson didn't make it to a life boat. They were being pulled to the very bottom of the Sea. But they both got up, If you want to know the rest you can go watch the movie, But it is REALLLLY Goooood. [:
My Dream Job
My dream job would be a nurse, because they make a lot of money. And they also get to help people, help the doctor. It would be nice to be a nurse because I could experince some cool stuff & also they get to meet new people.
Dream Job :Destiney kernes
when i go up my dream job would be a singer is because i love to sing. i sing slong with music everywhere i go or something i do or anything i always sing it seems like music is my life.Everyone in my family says to me thats my dream i sould live it.So im really thinking about doing videos to put on internet to sing i want to go on American Idol.i get complements on my singing so i really hope my dream would happen i would really love to be famous to:) so you people should follow your dreams too.:)
My Dream Job By Victoria(:
My dream job would be a fashion designer because I love clothes and fashion. I would make awesome clothes and be successful. If I ever become make it as a fashion designer I hope you guys would buy some of the clothes. :D
P.S. Please vote for Big Time Rush for Favorite TV show and Favorite Musical Group for the Kids Choice Awards! The KCAs air April 2 at 7 pm or something so I hope you guys watch it. :] <3
Proudest Moment- Jesus Iraheta
My proudest moment was when I was in 5th grade and I graduated. I didnt think I was going to make it. But then I tried harder to graduate. I was proud of myself and so was my mom.
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