Once when i was eight my family and I got tickets to sea world. Now you may think "Oh wow sea world tickets i can get those on Ebay", but these were not like any other tickets, these tickets got us not just in to sea world, it got us in to the scuba diving area, it got us in to the feeding center, and also had are hotel reservations. Ya thats some awesome tickets. So we got packed and drove to the airport. Now at the time i didn't like airplanes at all cause of all the crashes and stuff on the news and movies, but my family really wanted to go so i tried to ingore it. When we got there everything was okay at first until we got on the plane thats when i start freaking out. I started bitting my lips and my body started shaking all over, and i knew i coundn't do it. So when everybody sat down i tried running for it, but my mom knew my plan right away. She grabbed me and strapped me in my seat. The thing about moms is that there always one step ahead of you. She gave me a five minute lecture about facing your fears or what not whice bored me to death. She finally stopped after the piolet announced that we will be taking off in two minutes, that really made me crazy. I started pulling, clawing, bitting, at the seat belt. Anything to get me off that plane i did. I started to scare people when i said it was going to crash. A few people started getting off with eyes full of terror. Some were recording me on there phones saying they were going to put it on youtube or send it to americas funniest home videos. I finally stopped when Austin put me in a U.F.C move called the straight jacket. For half the ride i was shaking hidding under a barbie blanket. Sooner or later i must of fell asleep cause i woke up just when the plane was landing on the ground. without a second to lose i jumped out of my seat and ran toward the exit door. The thing is when the plane hit the ground it made me fly in to the exit door, making me lose my back tooth. After that crazy plane ride i never flew on a plane again.
Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.
Friday, February 18, 2011
My Favorite Band Black Veil Brides, by Jeremy Williams
Black Veil Brides is a band that mostly wears black and haves death core, music with their songs. So this week I’m going to find out when they come to Iowa so I can go to their concert. My favorite song by them is Knives and Pens. The lead singer is Andy Six.
The reason why I really like this band is because they really express their emotions and stand up for themselves. They are really awesome because they don’t only write their music to show everyone who they are they also stick up for other people too. I’m going to grow my hair out as long as Andy Six. Who is your favorite band or group?
My trip to California By Michael G
When I went to California it was so fun but I got car sick which was bad. We passed Las Vegas and we stayed at a hotel. My parents went to a casino and got some money so we can get some gas.
We were heading to Ventura California to visit my uncle. They have a 2 story house which is a nice house and has a swimming pool in their backyard. It was lame because I had to use this inflate things to keep me up but it was worth it. My uncle was wired but it was funny to see him.
You should go and visit California and pass by Las Vegas to go to casinos while you stay at a hotel and see what’s going on. Well that’s all I got to say.
This week I ate a cupcake. It tasted very good!!!
The reason why I really enjoyed my cupcake was because it tasted super good. It had frosting and stuff a cupcake has on it. But after I ate the cupcake I felt bad because I probibly hurt its feelings. It was a chocolate cupcake. it was the best cupcake in the world.
It was really awsome because it’s a cupcake and it cant get better then that. So the next time u eat a cupcake remember that it has feelings too just like a human being.
" basketball season" jeremy bentley
This year was my first year playing on a basketball team. I was a little scared at first to go visit the coach and to practice in front of people. I had a couple of friends that went with me to practice and I was worried I would be one of the worst on the team.
When I got there we started practice rite away. The coach told us to set up into two lines and do lay ups. We did that for about ten minutes and I did good. We then went into two teams and practice dribbling and passing to each other. I was doing pretty good until we got started working on plays. I kept getting mixed up and got myself confused for a second.
After practice coach told me to stay for a little bit so I did. He showed me some plays and got me to understand them better. The next day we had a tournament, coach named off all the players that are going play. I was the seventh one picked! what is your favorite sport?
My huge snowball fight By Derek Snider
This week I had a huge snowball fight with my friends and family. It was really really fun.
The reason I really enjoyed it was because I hit my annoying cousin in the face. Then my friend tackled him in the snow which was hilarious.
It was really awesome because he cried. Then we went inside and had hot chocolate
For spring break I am going to go over to my cousins house and play games . When I m at my cousins we play black ops on his ps3 . Then I will go to my friends house Dominics ’ s we will play games and mess around. When spring break ends it is going to be boring going back to school. That’s what I m going to do for spring break.
When we go back school will boring because we will have to do home work . Then ITBS will start. Then the rest of the school year will be fun. Because there will be less homework. Until summer break comes I will play ps3 and won’t have to do homework anymore . That’s what I will do for my spring and summer break. What will you do for your summer and spring break.
best summer ever by:brandon torres
This summer im going to go to adventureland the fair and chicago to see my cousin for the first time in a long time. Where going to a big water park with them. I will also go to teachout a lot this summer. I will also practice for football next year. Also I will hang out with lots of my friends.
I will also get a job and my learner permit. Aslo I will try not to get arested again. I will also go to partys and I will also bye a trampoline and have a big cookout.
This is what im going to do this summer.
Big Time Rush:The Awesomest Band In The World That Victoria Saengsavath Loves!(:
Carlos Pena Jr., Logan Henderson, James Maslow, Kendall Schmidt |
I really like Big Time Rush because they are amazing singers and they are also really hot. The guy I like most is Logan Henderson. He is really cute, adorable, and amazing. :P The guys of BTR are currently visting a bunch of radio stations to show them their awesome singing skills. I personally think Big Time Rush is better than other bands like the Jonas Brothers. They sing better and look wayyyyyy hotter. ;)
Big Time Rush is the best band and awesomest thing in the universe. Period. J v(^.^)v
Breaks Away From SCHOOL! by Bryan Waters
There is not much here too exciting to talk about. There is nothing to unusual going on. Just a bunch of regular kids going to school, socializing with friends, and talking about fantasies that everyone knows most likely will not happen. Even the teachers are gazing in to space during school and dreaming about the craziest things.
There is a lot that happens and nothing really new. The only thing I gaze about is the breaks away from school. There is so much things you can do. You can play games,sleep in, and enjoy life without school. Then when it’s time to go to school all our parents will rush us back to school. Sometimes I hate school and I bet that a lot of us do, but we all still have to go. So the only way to get through the week is to make things fun and interesting.
All the students and the teachers like thoughs breaks away from school. Some like school because it entertains them, and keeps us out of trouble. But most of us hate it and wish there never was. I guess what I am trying to say is that we all can’t wait for NO SCHOOL! And that although what happens at school we can still get through the week.
And see what others are going to do when we all get lucky and there is
Lindsey Gibson's Birthday, That Sidney Biondi Will Attend ;D
This weekend is my best friend Lindsey Gibson’s birthday. She will be turning 14 on February 20th. & I am SUPER excited. She’s going to have two birthday parties. One on Friday the 18th & the last one on Saturday the 19th. I will be spending the night both nights.
On Friday the 18th we are going Glow In the Dark Bowling. I am going to wear as much white as possible. & Lindsey said something about buying glow in the dark fabric paint. So that means when we put the paint on our T-shirts it will be prettyful & bright. On Saturday the 19th we’re going ice skating. I do NOT ice skate. So that means I will be on the sides with my friends Tara & Joni while everyone else ice skates. & I’m going to make them feel SO BAD that they will stop skating & we will go up to the bestest bridge in the world. The Perdestrian Bridge ! ;D Oh & that little Asian thing by the river.
Doesn’t this all sound so fun to you!? Are you jealous ? Yeah, well you really should be. Lindsey’s amazing & if you’re not her friend well that totally sucks for you, because she is AWESOME.
Summer 2011 by: Keelin Ladurini
I plan on getting really tan this summer. Hanging out with friends will be just about everything I’m going to do. I’m barely ever at my house during summer. My grandparents might come down from Arizona or we might go up there and to California and Nevada. It’s really fun in Nevada, Las Vegas. There’s so much to do there. It’s unbelievable.
It is really awesome because I like to go to different states and I’m probably going to be able to do that. I hope. If my plans for this summer go the way they should I’ll have something to do all summer long. I cannot wait till this summer to get here.
Lindsey's amazing birthday weekend. ;D
This week is my birthday, I am turning fourteen on Sunday the 20th. I’m having two birthday parties. The reason why I’m excited for this is because it’s going to be amazing. For one party we are going glow and the dark bowling, and for the other we are going ice skating. I’m so excited hahaha.
For my bowling party, I’m wearing a bunch of white and glow and the dark splatter paint. And for my ice skating party, I’m going to be amazing because I’m really good at ice skating. This weekend is going to be amazing. Party’s, food, presents, bestfriends, my boyfriend, family. That seems pretty great to me. (:
Do you think that sounds fun ? :D
Jessica's Crazy Dream.
I had a dream last night that Taylor and i went on an expedition through Canada and we had to try and find a taco because we were hungry. But what I thought was dumb is that we could have stayed here in Iowa and just went home to eat instead of going across the world to get a taco.
Also In our dream we had to go through a magic forest, A big ocean, and a dark cave. Then at the end we slid over a rainbow to find a taco. I ate the whole taco and I left Taylor to be hungry but he didn’t die. He called me a fatty. The taco was really good though. It was a hardshell taco with extra lettuce.
Then on our way back, we caught a ride on a giant octopus. On the octopus was me and Taylors pet chicken. It’s purple with a pink stripe down its back and his name is Toby. Our chicken jumped off the octopus and into the water, but it can’t swim. It was trying to doggy paddle with its little chicken feet but eventually it fell under water. I jumped in to save him and I brought him back. He wasn’t breathing. Taylor had to do CPR on it and it looked kinda nasty. Then the chicken woke up and tried to fly but it couldn’t. So when we got home, I got grounded for leaving. My dad made tacos and asked if I wanted one. I was like.. Heck No.
Who else has had a crazy dream?
hunger games review by harley
This week I read the books of the hunger games. The books are some of the best books I have ever read.
The reasons these books are so good is because the characters are emphasized. The way that the characters stick out make you believe that it actually happening. They are a set of books that I would rate at 6.0 on a 5.0 scale.
This book is a must read for kids that love adventure and romance.
Would anybody
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