This movie is about four skaters skating around everyday.They skate on private properties and the owners come out and tell them to leave or they'll call the police.They are street skater so they skate on the street.They cops always try to kick them off or they try to catch them.So now they have to skate inside buildings.they live in a van.This is the first six minutes of the movie.
Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Time I Sceen IT by Joni
The first time I sceen IT the movie I was really scared. It is about a scary killer clown. Now i am really really scared of clown.
Movie Review - Tara Kimmel. (:
NEVER SAY NEVER! That is the most amazing movie ever! I think so because i am totally in love with Justin Drew Bieber. <3 But i would totally give his movie like a 5 billion and 3. (: Its about his life before he was famous, How he became famous, And his life now. In 22 minutes he sold out The Madison Square Garden, The biggest arena in the world! You gotta be pretty freakin awesome to do that. And to everyone, Even those Justin Bieber haters i recomend you go and see his movie. Cheyenne was once a JB hater. Then she went and seen the movie now she likes him. Soooooo.. Go see it. (:
Justin Drew Bieber <3

Justin Drew Bieber <3
For my spring break i'd always fly everywhere.also I would go on top of Mt.Everest.And if had some type of travel time power i'd go back to the dino times and ride a dinosaur just for the heck of it. and go to the 80' to meet Michale Jackson. and try to learn his dance moves.I would also steal the idea of I Pod and tell some machine builders to build it and the apple sign would become an orange. then go to mexico and thats about it.
carlos's review on house on cherry street
The house on cherry street is a scary book or thriller kind of thing .Its about a family who moves into a house . but what they dont realise Its haunted
.I think you should read it.
karate kid with jaden smith and jackie chan
my movie i really like it was karate kid because it talking about a boy who all ways wanted to learn how to do karate. some people all ways pick on him but when he got jackie chan to be his tearch he learned alot about fighting now nobody can beat him .this boy try his best to try to get the girl he like he never say never he alwasy try to stand up for his slef.
Jeremy Williams Alfred Kroop
A book I've read was Alfred Kroop. The book is about a 13 year old boy that is a master with a sword. He is only good at fighting with a sword and goes through alot of bad guys. If I were to rate this book I would rate it four stars because it's like an adventure and has alot of action to it. I would recomend it to people who like action or adventure books.
I am Legend by michael gonzalez
This is a movie about zombies and that a guy has to stay there to cure them while the other people go to the othrer side of the city. He has a dog I and his name is sam and she is a very good dog. Well she helps him and he loves her so much. He goes drving by a bridge and sees a figure of a person but it's dead then zombies came out with zomibies dogs and sam went to go proect him and sam got bit by a dog.He took her home but then he had to kill her and died. He met this girl who is not supposed to be there,well he lets them stay and they work i'n a group.but then the zombies broke in his house and he had to scarifice himself. The woman and her son went to a little town and stayed there to live.I recommend to watch it.
the hunger games series by heidi evelyn hulscher
i dont know what to say without giving too much away but the series are really good id recomend it for people to read during spring break so some things they have to do is fight for their lives
The Day I Watched Hostel With Joni -Shyla Ruby
I was staying at joni's house and we was hanging out and got bored so we watched a movie. And her dad said lets watch Hostel So We did. there was alot of messed up stuff going on in that movie like the way the people were killed!!. Well ill i got to say is im never going to Amsterdam.
Okay, the best movie that I've seen so far, would probably have to be... NEVER SAY NEVER ! I'm in love <3 Justin Bieber is a hunk, no joke. (: It was so amazing. I went with my two best friends Cheyenne Lindsey & Lindsey Gibson . It was epic. We converted Cheyenne into a BELIEBER (: Lindsey & I sang together. Cheyenne was just mad because she couldn't sing along with us because she didn't know the words(: She kept telling us to shut up(: At the end they had a sing along thingy, & Yes, Lindsey & I rocked that thing. <3 JUSTIN BIEBER'S GRANDPA MADE ME CRY ! & his mom, & the girls that were crying for him , & His daddy(: But I was good(: I<3TheBieb
Book, Movie, Show.- Alisha. M. Stufflebeam
Fullmetal Alchemist is so EPIC! Its a good book, movie, show, and game. If this totaly epic series waas to be rated on a scale of 1-5 it would get a 10,000 its so good.
I would recomend it to everyone in the WORLD! I love to read, watch, and play this EPIC STORY! Fullmetal Alcamist is so cool im literaly in love with this wonderfull story.
I would recomend it to everyone in the WORLD! I love to read, watch, and play this EPIC STORY! Fullmetal Alcamist is so cool im literaly in love with this wonderfull story.
Spring Break ~Alejandra:D
My ultament spring break with unlimited money and travling i would get out of Des Moines! I would go to mixico get my aunt (shes the baby of all my grandmas kids and very pritty with green eyes) pay for somone to take care of her kids say in Mexico a cuple days and go to the best beachs and resturants. After that we would get on the plane and go to Florida and be at the bigges hotels and nice beaches. i woulkd want to go to mall of america and take some of my friends. I would bring all my friends at home somthing back but i would get my mom the best thing.
Meshell....Pretty little liers!!!
My book that i am reading is PRETTY LITTLE LIERS!!!.This book is AMAZINGG.The show is even BETTER II watch this the PRETTY LITTLE LIERS every MONDAYYYYY.Some people sayy it dumb..but it really really really really really GOOD!!!!!I lOve it so muchh,i am watching the t.v show and reading the book....The people i no that watch the PRETTY LITTLE LIERS is ME, JADE, KAYLIE KEELIN,and SIDNEY,We LOVE it...............Well watching it tonite too hahahahah..... well bye bye!!!!
My Soul To Take- Keelin Ladurini
I seen the movie "My Soul To Take" last night and it was pretty good. I'd give the movie a three and a half. Basically it's about a guy who has multiple souls in him and when he died that night seven kids were born. On their birthday the guy that died comes back and tries to kill all seven of the kids. They all have to work together to figure out who the killer is, but in the end, kids die. One of the strong points was they did a good job on the acting. One weak point was it wasn't really scary. I would recomend other people to watch this movie, its really good.
Jack Ass 3d- Jesus Iraheta
The last movie I watched was "Jack Ass 3d" Last year. It was funny and gross, The nastiest part was Stev-O Drinking Prestons Sweat. And the funniest part was when the Old Man Johny Knoxville crashed threw the mortatcycle window. And the MIDGET FIGHT With 10 midgets at a bar. My opinion star raiting is 5 stars, I think Dave England couldve done better, and I would recomend this movie to Seniors.
Movie Review! By:Victoria(:
The movie I am going to review is Transformers. It's about robots that can transform into cars and stuff and they are really awesome. The main character guy is Sam and he was chosen to save Earth from the evil Decepticons and their leader Megatron. There's a group of good Transformers called the Autobots. The members are Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, and Jazz. Bumblebee is Sam's Transformer buddy and they are BFF's. At one part Bumblebee loses his legs from an explosion and it's really sad. :( But somehow he gets his legs back so it's all good. :) And then Megatron had to be a meanie and kill Jazz. D: At the end of the movie Megatron escapes but the Autobots manage the kill the rest of the other Decepticons.

P.S... Big Time Rush Is Amazing&Party Like It's Not Your Birthday ;D <3
P.S... Big Time Rush Is Amazing&Party Like It's Not Your Birthday ;D <3
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never (:
On Saturday, I went to the Justin Bieber movie with Cheyenne and Sidney. I give the movie a FIVE ! It is about him growing up to be who he is today, I mean seriouslly he SOLD OUT Madison Square Garden.He has had an amazing journey. And in the middle I almost cried, I recomend this movie to everyone, because it changed Cheyenne's mind about Justin Bieber because she never did like him now she does. It was in 3D which made it even better, and at the end I sang to Cheyenne, it was great. Justin Bieber is an amazing guy and I don't see why people don't like him. I'm in love with Justin Bieber <3
- Lindsey (:
- Lindsey (:
The Best Movie I've Seen
The Best Movie I've seen is Grown Ups. I thought it was hilarious because Adam Sandler is funny. Another reason it was funny is because of Rob Schinder hair. I'd recommend you see this movie if you haven't.
Transformers by AFROMAN
Trans formers 2 sucks because Megahn Fox wasnt as hot.But there was alot of action in it.Also the story line was stupid because they already saved.There should have been more robot battles.Thats what i thought about tranformer 2.
recomendations for movies or books-Bryan Waters
I have read several books and watched sevdrl movies. I cannot tell you one specific one that I have really enjoyed since I most rarely finish books anymore. I do watch some movies but rarely do I sit down and have a couple hours to spend. I can't recomend one so I will let you decide. But however I do Want to say That I want to watch HALL PASS It seems like a good funny movie. And for most of you who havn't seen grown ups That is a funny movie.
mocking jay
this is the final book in the hunger games series. in my opinon it is the best book in the sieries. on a scale of 1 to 10 i would rate it 10.0. i would recomened this book to anyone who loves the hunger games and gone siries.
Paul, Izak Yaw
Paul is this new movie that is coming out and he is on earth and meets this two guys that are funny and he enjoys hanging out with in tell the government trys to take Paul but he does not want to go. Its a crazy adventure with funny and wild people. 3/18/11
movie review! -Cheyenne.
Movie review! I can't really pick a movie to blog about, so I'm going to do the last movie I watched. I believe on Saturday, the 5th, Lindsey and Sidney took me to see a movie. And the movie was the Justin Bieber movie. I really didn't want to go see it, but it was in 3D! And I never saw a 3D movie before so I just had to see it. But I ended up liking it. I didn't like Justin Bieber, but after the movie, I think he is alright now. (: The movie was just about him, and how he got to where he is right now. It was also a count down to his big concert at some place, but I kinda forgot.. but I think people should go see it! It changed my mind about him, and it might do it so other people too! I would give it a 4 1/2 maybe a 5? But anyways, that's my movie review. :D
Best Movie Ever!!! -Stephan A
The best books ever are the Gone books. What it is about is a town being covered in a bubble ( don't know right term) and all the adults are gone and only the kids are left. While they are trapped inside some of the kids start to develop powers that they use against eachother. Overall, all the books that have come out so far are really good and I reccomend it to kids who like action packed books. 5 stars :3
Justin Lyon Understanding 9/11
Understanding 9/11 is a great book, it descibes what really happened on 9/11. I would give this a 4 out of 5 star rating. One weak point is that it does not have all the "whole" information about it. But the rest is really good. I would recomend this book book because a lot of people are missing out on the information that 9/11 holds.
RANGO by Cassadee Flor
I saw Rango on Saturday. That movie is so awesome. On a scale of 1-5, it would be 1,000,000!!! just kidding. It would be a 5.
Rango is about a lizard who does know who is into actting. I guess his owners were moving because they had a whole bunch of stuff with him including him. So, the owners run over an animal and Rango has fallen out of his cage with is little goldfish and his barbie thing and he is alone. So he ends up meeting a girl lizard named Beans and he become the sheriff. I'm not telling more. see the movie.
I would reccomend it because it has action and death and stuff.

-Love and ladybugs, Cassadee-
Rango is about a lizard who does know who is into actting. I guess his owners were moving because they had a whole bunch of stuff with him including him. So, the owners run over an animal and Rango has fallen out of his cage with is little goldfish and his barbie thing and he is alone. So he ends up meeting a girl lizard named Beans and he become the sheriff. I'm not telling more. see the movie.
I would reccomend it because it has action and death and stuff.

-Love and ladybugs, Cassadee-
Rosemarie Scheel, A child called "it"
A child called "it" is a really good book i think on a scale from 1-5 i would have to say a 5. Im almost done I'm on the last chapter
The book is about a little boy name is David Palzer it starts out when he was about 5 and goes on forever. No one outside of his family knows whats going on at home the dad didn't even know at the beging but sooner or later he was bound to found out sometime. this book will make you feel like your a part of his strugls to find food and to stay alive. Nomatter what he stays strong to figger out his moms "games". The only thang that keeps him going is his ddreams of a afamily who loves him.

I would recomed this book becouse its really tuching and will b hard to stop reading. You will understand that this is happing to kids alaroud the word every age. ITs sad and herts to hear wach and be in. I reacimend this book for you.
The book is about a little boy name is David Palzer it starts out when he was about 5 and goes on forever. No one outside of his family knows whats going on at home the dad didn't even know at the beging but sooner or later he was bound to found out sometime. this book will make you feel like your a part of his strugls to find food and to stay alive. Nomatter what he stays strong to figger out his moms "games". The only thang that keeps him going is his ddreams of a afamily who loves him.
I would recomed this book becouse its really tuching and will b hard to stop reading. You will understand that this is happing to kids alaroud the word every age. ITs sad and herts to hear wach and be in. I reacimend this book for you.
the movie " paranormal activity 2 "
This movie is about a ghost or devil that is living in the house. And about how when they were little the same thing happened to there mom. That movie was not even scary the only thing that made it scary was the big BOOM. And I thought the beganing of it was soooooooo dumb, because it just showed them eating and being a normal family and to me that's not something I want to watch. Before I saw it everyone said it was really scary but after I watched it thought it wasnt even scary at ALL !! (:
-shiree (:
haha crazy mom taking kid !(:
-shiree (:
I Am Number Four: Jeffrey Rnagel
I Am Number Four is about a teenager named John Smith (Alex Pettyfer) who is always running from these other aliens trying to kill him. John has to keep running from city to city with his guardian Henri and is always the new kid. When he finds out the first three others that are like him have been killed and his enemies are close, he moves to a small town in Ohio.
He starts to find that he has new amazing powers and falls in love with a girl named Sara (Dianna Agron). The aliens are after him and he does not want to leave because of his love. Later John meets Number six (Teresa Palmer) who he teams up with. I Am Four is a good movie.
He starts to find that he has new amazing powers and falls in love with a girl named Sara (Dianna Agron). The aliens are after him and he does not want to leave because of his love. Later John meets Number six (Teresa Palmer) who he teams up with. I Am Four is a good movie.
The Roommate Gabriela Gonzalez
movie review dakota clarke
the movied is called brother bear its about a hurter that kills a bear and he gets tured into a bear. there is also two moose that are his buddy. about him going to a place with a little bear name coda. coda tells him about how he get sarpeted form his mom. so say to coda dont worry and then coda say i alway wanted a brother. their is a brother bear two also.
by dakota clarke
by dakota clarke
Paranormal Activity 2. By Me.. Jessica Petersen
Last night I watched a really scary movie. :( If I had to rate this movie I would rate it as a 4. I was with my sister, her boyfriend, my lil cousin, and my lil brother. At first I wasn't scared but then things started poppin out and I screamed about 30 times. My lil cousin started crying.. but I think it's because my scream scared him. haha. I felt kinda bad.
The movie started out pretty boring, but then it got better towards the end. My favorite part of this movie was when the lady gets dragged down the steps and into the basement. I would recomend this movie to people because it's an awesome movie.(: I'm acually probably going to go home and watch it after school.
P.S. ^ This blog is pretty lame../:
The movie started out pretty boring, but then it got better towards the end. My favorite part of this movie was when the lady gets dragged down the steps and into the basement. I would recomend this movie to people because it's an awesome movie.(: I'm acually probably going to go home and watch it after school.
P.S. ^ This blog is pretty lame../:
Allie Marchesano, "Cirqe Du Freak':the comic version
I only like this this book a little bit. Its not one of my favorites, but its the book I'm reading now and Miss. L is making us do this. Well this is back of the book:
"Darren Shan was an average kid until destiny brought him to the Cirque Du Freak. Now Darren's been immersed by vampires, werewolves, and strange creatures the like of which he's never imagined, and his life will be changed forever!"
"Darren Shan was an average kid until destiny brought him to the Cirque Du Freak. Now Darren's been immersed by vampires, werewolves, and strange creatures the like of which he's never imagined, and his life will be changed forever!"
Many people like this series that was also made into a movie.
Annie's Baby- Maria Vanegas.
Annie's Baby is the first book I read, I don't read many books but this one cough my attention because it talks about a teenager that fell in love with a jerk.. After they dated for quit some time, she found out she was pregnant. She tried to hide it from her mom but she had to tell her that he was abusing her. I would score this book a 5. It's a really good book, and I would recomend it .(:
Forged by fire : Mateo (Tito_10) Rodriguez
From my opinion I think the best movie that I have ever read in my life is Forged by fire. This book is so entertaining but sad as well. This book talks about true stories that has happened to teens. From the beginning the book is amazing, it has all types of things that teens go through. This book is available at the school library or at Mrs.Lewis library. CHECK IT OUT
T.V. show review, Jade. (:
I'm going to write about the best show EVER, Pretty Little Liars. I watch it every Monday! It is on tonight, haha I'm excited. It is addicting and so good. Shay Mitchell plays Emily, Troian Bellisario plays Spencer, Ashley Benson plays Hanna, Lucy Hale plays Aria.
It is based of a series of books. I haven't read the books but I heard that they are way different than the show. Well, it is the best show in the world. Just sayin' :)
It is based of a series of books. I haven't read the books but I heard that they are way different than the show. Well, it is the best show in the world. Just sayin' :)
A book review by Anthony Allen
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I am reviewing hunger games because it is interesting and it's about a girl that has to go hunting for food or her family will starve. Katniss Everdeen's younger sister gets her name drawn to go fight for the capitals entertainment. Katniss ends up volenteering so her sister doesn't have to go through all the fighting and die.
I would give this book three and a half stars
Some of the weak points are that it takes you awhile to get into the book because it doesn't get interesting untill like the tenth chapter.
Some of the strong points are that it is a really interesting book.
The reason I would recomend this book is because it is interesting and it really hooks you in.
I am reviewing hunger games because it is interesting and it's about a girl that has to go hunting for food or her family will starve. Katniss Everdeen's younger sister gets her name drawn to go fight for the capitals entertainment. Katniss ends up volenteering so her sister doesn't have to go through all the fighting and die.
I would give this book three and a half stars
Some of the weak points are that it takes you awhile to get into the book because it doesn't get interesting untill like the tenth chapter.
Some of the strong points are that it is a really interesting book.
The reason I would recomend this book is because it is interesting and it really hooks you in.
A Recent Book I've Read-Adam Delmege
A recent book ive read is Mocking Jay.
My review of it is, its really good. You need to read the hole series to understand it.I give the book a 3 and a half star score.Its about people who have struggle to live.Katniss(one of the characters) is doing illegall hunting outside the district(there are 12 districts). Threre was thirteen disticts but the capitaol blew it up because they started a uprising that failed. Thats how the hunger games became real.The hunger Games is a game where 2 People from each district(male and female)has to go into an arena and fight to the death. There is no weak points in the story, But there is alot of strong points.i would recomend this book beacuse it is very interesting.
My review of it is, its really good. You need to read the hole series to understand it.I give the book a 3 and a half star score.Its about people who have struggle to live.Katniss(one of the characters) is doing illegall hunting outside the district(there are 12 districts). Threre was thirteen disticts but the capitaol blew it up because they started a uprising that failed. Thats how the hunger games became real.The hunger Games is a game where 2 People from each district(male and female)has to go into an arena and fight to the death. There is no weak points in the story, But there is alot of strong points.i would recomend this book beacuse it is very interesting.
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