Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.

Monday, April 4, 2011

BBF! :)


                  I love my BBF!
This is my BBF Jenny, and Shiree. We started calling each other BBF in gym. It just kind of stuck. I love all of the BBF's. P.S. Maria is jealous ;)

my porsolin dall :Rosemarie Scheel

      The one thing that is scientifically made that I cant live with out is a porcelain doll I bought with my grandpa and grandma I will never forget that day
      It was a hot weekend when me and my family had a family outing with cousins and grandparent's. We went this western theme place to eat. there was so many people that we had to put 3 long table's together. In side the restaurant they had a store full of beautiful porcelain dolls all hand made. I asked mom if I could have one and she said ya go pick one out. I picked one with a outfit that covered the hole body except 4 the face it had light brown eyes and long eye lashes its was the cutest thing I've ever seen I fell I love with it at first sight I still have it till this day and what makes it more special is that every time Ilook at it it reminds me of that day.

this is the same doll as mine

~Rosemarie Scheel~

Jeffrey Rangel, Technology

It would be very hard to live without cellphones. I use my cellphone everyday to call my friends and family. If I did not have my cellphone I would not be able to call my mom at all because she lives in a different state. Also my parents would not or be scared to let me go somewhere on my own. The best thing about the cellphone is that it keeps everybody connected.