Doctor Who cast, series 4. |
This week I decided to tell all of you out there about the most amazing show in the whole world. And that show, my friends, is Doctor Who. It is a British television show about a 900-year old Time Lord. The Time Lord race has all died, so this man, who is named “The Doctor” is the last one in existence. He has a time machine called the TARDIS, or Time And Relative Dimension in Space. It used to change shape to disguise, but it broke. Now, its shape is stuck as a 1950’s police box. As he goes throughout his adventures, he likes to pick up earthlings to travel with him. The companion for the current season at the time is, as always, amazed by everything he or she sees (it’s a she most of the time).
The reason I love Doctor Who with most of the percentage of my heart are the amazing characters, villains, and aliens they encounter. Of every Doctor who has been on the show, David Tennant has to be my favorite. (You see, every Time Lord Can regenerate, [some technicalities I don’t understand apply] and every time he goes through a complete regeneration, a new actor takes over.) One of my favorite alien races has to be the Dalek Race. It’s a race of aliens who live in metal apparatuses that look quite strange. You’d have to watch the show to learn what they are all about. Out of all the episodes I’ve seen, I love all of the companions the ninth, tenth, and eleventh Doctors.
I think everybody should like Doctor Who because it's an amazing show. I only know a couple of people who have seen it, and that's why we all need to come together and start an alliance of Whovians!!!! If you understand the show and know what I'm talking about if I were to say Human-Timelord Biological Metacrisis, comment and let me know that there's more of you out there! (P.S. Even if you don't understand Human-Timelord Biological Metacrisis, but still understand the show, still comment!)
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