My proudest moment was when i got my belly button pierced. I was really excited about it.! The best part of it was when I got to stand up and look at it after they pierced it. I thought it was gunna hurt but it didn't at all. The guy that pierced it was reeeeally cute that made it pretty fun too. The most part I'm proud of is when I paid for it and I bragged about it to my sister.(: She didn't care much though, but ya that's one of times I was most proud.!
Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.
Monday, February 28, 2011
My best friends ARE....... (: -Meshell Kyles
My bestfriends are Temitria Pope,Syann'e Dysart,Sheayequla Bassetie,Kaylie Kelley,Karla Santos,Jade peters,Shiree R.,Maria V,Jozie,Amber F,CatlinKeelin,and my Mexican siste Lessly.(hahah)ii love these gurls so much.There their for me all the time.They make me happy sometimes sadd(kaylie)hah.I have their back when ever they need me(And i no they have mine too).They give me adivice all the time whenn ii need it ii can tell everything to THEM..... These are the BEST FRIENDS a person like me need ......II LOVE YHU GURLS SOO MUCHH..MY BESTFRIEND II DEPEND ON ALL THE TIME!!!!! <333333 (: HAHAHA....Well bye ii am done for now....
Middle Schoool. -A D D Y !
Okay, This Goes Out To All Of The People That Think Fighting Solves Problems.
A lot of people are fighting these days. But I don't get why. Yeah, you fight someone to ecxpress how you feel about that person, but then after your done fighting, then what ? You both will still HATE eachother afterwords. It's not like you guys fight, then everything is going to be coool afterwords. You will fight, then after that spend about a week talking about who WON or LOST the fight. But your not solving anything, your just wasting your time. Your also making everything worse. You might think its is cool, to go fight someone then go brag to everybody else that you fought someone. But it doesn't make you cool, It just makes you look like all you care about is yourself, and what other people think of you.
Also, A Lot of people; GIRLS, Are talking about each other and spreadigng rumors about each other. But I don;t get why, I mean other than you obviously HATE That person, and you want to Hurt Them, WHY ?
I Mean, Think About It, You can say anything you want about someone you don't like, But it is NOT going to change that person. It isn't going to make that person any Prettier, Stronger, Taller, Shorter, Fatter, Skinnier, Or even Smell better. So, why waist your time talking about someone, when they are still going to be the same person tomorrow, next week, Or even Next Month. It's Just USELESSSSS !
A few days ago, some of my close friends told me at lunch, That I should feel Lucky, Because Everything I do, Somebody Has to say something about. Even If It is something as little as walking in the hallway with someone, talking to someone after school, Or Even sitting with someone at lunch. So, People' If your going to talk about someone, Think about it, Your just making that person Feel Luckky, To have you waste your time, Just To talk About that person. + You're just being mean, And your probably doing it, because your JEALOUS ! ?
And Yeah, Some People Reading this might call me a Hypocrite, But, I've done A LOT of thinking about it and I realize, it is just ABSOLUTELY Dumb. So Yeah, That is How I feel About Fighting.
P.S. - I'm Sorry To EVERYONE, I have EVER Talked about in the PAST.
A lot of people are fighting these days. But I don't get why. Yeah, you fight someone to ecxpress how you feel about that person, but then after your done fighting, then what ? You both will still HATE eachother afterwords. It's not like you guys fight, then everything is going to be coool afterwords. You will fight, then after that spend about a week talking about who WON or LOST the fight. But your not solving anything, your just wasting your time. Your also making everything worse. You might think its is cool, to go fight someone then go brag to everybody else that you fought someone. But it doesn't make you cool, It just makes you look like all you care about is yourself, and what other people think of you.
Also, A Lot of people; GIRLS, Are talking about each other and spreadigng rumors about each other. But I don;t get why, I mean other than you obviously HATE That person, and you want to Hurt Them, WHY ?
I Mean, Think About It, You can say anything you want about someone you don't like, But it is NOT going to change that person. It isn't going to make that person any Prettier, Stronger, Taller, Shorter, Fatter, Skinnier, Or even Smell better. So, why waist your time talking about someone, when they are still going to be the same person tomorrow, next week, Or even Next Month. It's Just USELESSSSS !
A few days ago, some of my close friends told me at lunch, That I should feel Lucky, Because Everything I do, Somebody Has to say something about. Even If It is something as little as walking in the hallway with someone, talking to someone after school, Or Even sitting with someone at lunch. So, People' If your going to talk about someone, Think about it, Your just making that person Feel Luckky, To have you waste your time, Just To talk About that person. + You're just being mean, And your probably doing it, because your JEALOUS ! ?
And Yeah, Some People Reading this might call me a Hypocrite, But, I've done A LOT of thinking about it and I realize, it is just ABSOLUTELY Dumb. So Yeah, That is How I feel About Fighting.
P.S. - I'm Sorry To EVERYONE, I have EVER Talked about in the PAST.
Hailee Steinfeld - Could possibly play Hunger Games's Katniss Everdeen (Miss L)
Steinfeld has been one of the names in consideration for the coveted role of Katniss Everdeen. The young actress told us she has "a lot of projects that we're looking at at the moment," but she also confirmed that she has met with "Hunger Games" director Gary Ross.
"It's definitely something that we're taking one day at a time and making sure that everything is in place," Steinfeld said of her possible casting as the film's heroine.
Whether or not the "Hunger Games" role goes to Steinfeld, she's quickly becoming one of the hottest commodities in Hollywood.
Read the full article NOW. From MTV News: By Aly Semigran, with reporting by Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz
MTV second article sourse and video interview.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Straight A's By:Andrea Guzman
Straight A's
By: Andrea Guzman
My Proudest moment was when I got straight A's on my report card this year.
I'm proud of this moment because it is the first time I had straight A's in the middle of the school year. I would have had at least two B's by now. My family is also really proud of me. I'm trying to set a good example for my eight year old brother so that he knows that it's good to have good grades.
When I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people to never give up in school and get good grades.

Not the DOCTOR-Bryan Waters
It seems like when people get sick they go to the doctor. Almost everybody goes to the doctor at least once in their lifetime. But have you ever wondered what they do to make you feel better?
They make you full of dread and send you home to go to bed.
They will stab you full of greusome things that feel like bitting fangs
They will make you bleed and sweat and cry beause you cant have that last fry
They examin your bones with x-ray machines and point at you with their lazer beams
They think their right and that your wrong
They keep singing the same old song
I hate going and i never am
Until I get drug in and then RAM!
I get that shot today after school
And man it's not gonna be all to cool
They make you full of dread and send you home to go to bed.
They will stab you full of greusome things that feel like bitting fangs
They will make you bleed and sweat and cry beause you cant have that last fry
They examin your bones with x-ray machines and point at you with their lazer beams
They think their right and that your wrong
They keep singing the same old song
I hate going and i never am
Until I get drug in and then RAM!
I get that shot today after school
And man it's not gonna be all to cool
Cheyenne Lindsey. . . This Blog's For You[: (think about the Mike Posner song 'Cheated') , Love Sidney.
Uhhh.... So guys... I'm gonna blog about my friend Cheyenne... Because she said to... Which is really friggen weird... (I think she's trying to get someone to notice herr... but shhh keep that on the down low ) riiiight. Well anyways.... Cheyenne's one of my best friends. I haven't known her for long, we just started getting close this year ,but I already love her to bits and pieces <3 The things I love about Cheyenne is that I can tell her just about anything & she won't judge me. That's really important because I do some messed up things & not all of the things are stuff I wanna tell someone that thinks too highly of themselves. Another thing I love about Cheyenne is that she sticks up for herself. She don't take crap from no one. Neither do I so I wouldn't suggest trying anything cute, mkay <3 [: Haha, Cheyenne's just a beautiful person inside & out. & anyone would be lucky to know her. I know I sure am. ;D
I love you Cheyenne Lindseyyyyyyyy <3
Your Bestest Frannn Evarrr-Sidney Biondi. P.S I vote that someday we go to my house & just go crazy watching every single RayWilliamJohnson video, that'd be a friggen good time ! <3
I love you Cheyenne Lindseyyyyyyyy <3
Your Bestest Frannn Evarrr-Sidney Biondi. P.S I vote that someday we go to my house & just go crazy watching every single RayWilliamJohnson video, that'd be a friggen good time ! <3
Who am I- Alisha Stufflebeam

All day all I could think about was who am I what makes me me you may not understand but its an annoying feeling not really understanding who you are.
If you have any questions id be more than happy to answer them. Thank you for reading and have a good day. Don't let yourself forget who you are.
Logan Henderson=Hottest Guy In The World! By:Victoria Saengsavath(:
Ok so there's this really really hot guy named Logan Henderson. He is in Big Time Rush (the awesomest band in the world!) and has an amazing singing voice. He is 21 years old and was born in Texas. Some of you guys probably already know what Logan looks like but for those who don't here's a picture...
Well actually that was a bunch of pictures but oh well. :P Now if you don't think he's cute or hot then you have issues. Haha just kidding. :) If you do think he's hot then you are awesome but remember this: I saw him first so back off woman! ;D <3
My skateboard By Aris
2 days ago after I got home from school I went outside with my friends to skate. We were skating for a couple hours and it started to get dark outside. Then one of my friends went inside to get his new board to skate on it. When he came back outside with his new board he saw me doing inward heelflips I landed alot of them. Then all of a sudden my skateboard broke right at the nose I got really mad and tryed to brake it but it didnt work. So now I cant skate no more just because my skateboard broke.
Taking my permit test.
On Wednesay the 23rd I went to take my permit test, we got in line and went through and got me all registered and stuff, then I had to wait for my number to be called. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. After they called my number I went and sat at one of the computers and started answering the questions. I got like half way through and failed the test. I was sad haha. But i'm going back today and I have been studying so hopefully I get it, if I don't i'm going to be mad. (:
- Lindsey. <3
- Lindsey. <3
My proudest moment!!!!!! By:Meshell Kyles
My proudest moment was when we won are first basketball game.Won are first game against Hiatt middle school.Hiatt middle school was the first school we played.When we were on the bus going to Hiatt we were saying that we are going to lose.We were scared and nervous.When we got to Hiatt we went inside and went to the gym.We got dress out for our game.When we got out there we saw how little they were,so we said "we got this girls".We did our warm up,and then the buzzer went off.We played the first game and we won them by alot of points.The Second quarter came and we best them again.When the game ended we all start jumping up and down.We got in a line a gave them a five for doing good.We went in the locker room to get dress and came back out and got on the bus.We went back to Hoyt middle school. Sheaye said "i told ya'll we were going to win,Temitria sais "You the one said we were going to lose shaeye. That was a proud moment that me and my teammates had!!!! (:
My fellow classmates-Gannon Harrington
Me again with more important information about the results of fights if you think beating in somebodys face is a good thing then your wrong. Life isn't all about fights or popularity or money or even video games it's mostly about being happy and enjoying yourself. And if fights is how you enjoy yourself then people face it you have no life. We were put on this earth as a gift to us all so lets be graitful and enjoy it. So people face the music thats life.
Bad Habits! Justin
My First Concert by Cassadee Flor
My first concert was in December of 2010. My dad, Franky (my little brother), Brooke, and I went to see Black Veil Brides. Brooke kept making fun of me on the ride there because I am obsessed with the lead singer, Andy Sixx. When we got to Peoples Court, we waited for 2 hours. I couldn't wait. Then they opened the doors and my dad paid for the tickets. Brooke, Franky, and I ran to the front row. It was a couple bands playing that night so we had to wait for them. There was this one chick who was singing in Japanese. Japanese! But her sidekick was cool. His name was Ray-Man. He wore what looked like a Darth Vadar mask. He played with lights and all that stuff. Next, was Domain. They had a video camera with them and said we were going to be in a music video. They got done playing and Black Veil Brides came up!! I was about to cry. I am there biggest fan. Andy Sixx looked at me 8 times!!! My brother had a balloon and a permanent marker so I grabbed the balloon and the marker and wrote "Andy, I love you!!! Love, Cassie." My brother threw the balloon on stage, Andy looked at it, then bit it!!! He spitted the popped balloon at the drummer. Brooke and I laughed. After the concert was over, my dad drove Brooke home. My dad is the best dad ever!
-Love and ladybug, Cassadee-
Andy Sixx. :)
-Love and ladybug, Cassadee-
A D D Y !
Weellll, Im SUPPPER Excited. [: My Birthday Is Like; 20 Days Away. I Can't wait ! Im Going to get My Belly Button Peirced ;D And , I Am Going to Take the Permit Test. Hopefuly I Passs ! Blahh ;;
--Addddyy !
--Addddyy !
Thursday, February 24, 2011
All A's and B's:}temitria
well in skool one semester i had all a's and b's and i was so so so so happy of my self because that was like the first i got all a's and b's and i was proud of my self ahahahahh crazy times
Every summer By Daniel Kalar-Goetschius
Justin Bieber Rocks by anna
Justin Bieber became famous on YouTube a year or so ago. Justin Bieber is one of the most famous pop stars of this generation.
The reason I picked Justin Bieber is he is super hot and a good singer. My favorite Justin Bieber songs are U Smile, Somebody to Love and Baby. I am so excited because I get to go see Never Say Never on Saturday with my mom. Justin Bieber is awesome that is why he is in this blog. I hope he gets his own series. I would watch it all the time.
Justin is awesome because of his hair. Also whenever I see him my heart flutters and I can stop smiling. I love Justin.
What is your favorite Justin Bieber song or songs?

The reason I picked Justin Bieber is he is super hot and a good singer. My favorite Justin Bieber songs are U Smile, Somebody to Love and Baby. I am so excited because I get to go see Never Say Never on Saturday with my mom. Justin Bieber is awesome that is why he is in this blog. I hope he gets his own series. I would watch it all the time.
Justin is awesome because of his hair. Also whenever I see him my heart flutters and I can stop smiling. I love Justin.
What is your favorite Justin Bieber song or songs?
what makes me proud by prince york
something that make me proud is football,basketball. im not scared to play football or basketball and im a beast at it cuause i hit somebody really hard that they wont play like im not good with pads and but on when we play football wtih out the pads im a beast cause i don't play around when iplay football . i want to go to collge for football and make alots of money but it takes for ever for you to learn how to play
Pitbull bullys are dogs that are tall and very strong.They are a very known breed of dog.Pitbulls can be family dogs and they can be very dangorus to.They have good hearing and sence of smell. some pitbulls can be very bad becus people use pitbulls in dog fights allout.
when i got my tonuge pierced By:Joni Hopkins
My proudest moment was when I got my tonuge pierced. I am pround of this moment because I was a little scared but then I did it. When I think back to that day I want to tell be not to every be scaared you just have to go out and do it. Also have fun and be with friend when you do something that you are scared to do.
Proud Moment. By:Tara. (:
My proudest moment is when I got my belly button pierced. I am proud of this moment because I was super nervous and thought I was going to chicken out. (x But I didn't! I was proud if myself, Haha. And my bestfriend Cheyenne was there too. (: She recorded the whole thing. So yeaaah. Well thats it. Buhhh- Byee People! :D
proudest moment so far -carlos-
I'm proud of the day I rode almost all the rides at the state fair the others i didn't ride because my cousin said they would ditch me if I got out of there sight. but the proudness didn't come because of the rides It's because I didn't hurl after all the stuff i had ate like a funnel cake 2 slices of pizza and also an icee thing. that is what I'm proud of.
=D Shyla Ruby - My Proudest Moment
Well first off my dad was very sick.And i remember all my dad wanted was for me to play softball.I was scared and i didnt want to do it but i knew it was gonna make him happy.I was really scared the first game I had but my dad was out there cheering me on. He was so sick at the time and i was to little to know thst. I was about 8ys. But i got through the softball season and i worked my butt off so my dad would be happy. And we ended up winning first place. my dad was so happy and that mad me proud becuase i mad him happy and it put a smile on his face!!!!
R.I.P Dad 1953-2005
R.I.P Dad 1953-2005
Something Thats Made Me Proud-Jeremy Williams
The things that have made proud is when i started my own band because we've been practicing, and we are going to preform sometime soon. I'm proud of the band because I am the vocalist and we have everyone we need to perform. Everyone in my band is straight edge which means they dont drink, smoke, use drugs, and some don't drink caffine.
Everyone is doing their best to sound better then they ever did before. The band is called Indecending DeathX. The music we play is like heavy metal where you just scream and sometimes talk. Well thats what makes me proud what makes you proud.
Everyone is doing their best to sound better then they ever did before. The band is called Indecending DeathX. The music we play is like heavy metal where you just scream and sometimes talk. Well thats what makes me proud what makes you proud.
my proudest moment by heidi hulscher
My proudest moment was when i saved a dog he was running around as a stray and we took him home and called the animal rescue leaugue and when no one claimed him we adopted him i was kind of hoping for a smaller dog but this is the dog we got and hes cute
My Proudest Moment by Sam S.
My proudest moment was when I was in eighth grade and I got my first A in a long time. I had been getting bad grades since third grade and didn't know how to stop procrastinating. At one point, it got so bad that I was getting yelled at constantly by my mom and the teachers gave up on me.
That was in seventh grade. At the beginning of eighth grade, I promised to do all of my work. So I did, and I've been bringing home good report cards ever since.
That was in seventh grade. At the beginning of eighth grade, I promised to do all of my work. So I did, and I've been bringing home good report cards ever since.
How I was short
The thing that made me proud was me not being scared to go on Space Shot at Adventureland.This happened when I was 8 years old.I was almost the size to ride it but I was too little.It also happened to me for the sidewinder.
When I was 10 I got taller so I got to ride Space Shot but not the Sidewinder.Then when I was 12 I was touching the line to be able to ride it and they acceppted it and I rode on it.What were you scared of?
When I was 10 I got taller so I got to ride Space Shot but not the Sidewinder.Then when I was 12 I was touching the line to be able to ride it and they acceppted it and I rode on it.What were you scared of?
My proudest moment :D -Deborah
My proudest moment was when I first learned how to tie my own shoe laces. I remember that day , like if it was yesturday (: , I was 4 years old when i learned how to & I was sitting down with my dad outside of my house. And i just kept looking down at my shoes , and he started doing his shoe laces, so I asked him if he could teach me because I really wanted to learn and be a big girl (: . But I didn't get it that day, I got so sad and frustraited because I thought I would never learn how to. The next day all of the sudden I put on my tennis shoes and I did it all by myself , I ran up to my dad and showed him , the first thing he said "Wow, I'm so proud of you hunny" . I felt so proud of myself((:
I am proud of this moment because I felt like I was growing up, & I could tie them on my own. When I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people how I felt that day, when I learned how to :D .
my prodest moment... my game Alisha Stufflebeam

What made it so epic was that it was my first defeat in the game. I didn't know how to play and the guy wasn't expecting it. It was so easy.
I believe its the best game in the world and that makes me want to tell people about it that and everyone should know I totally rock at this epic and fun game.
Have you ever played final fantasy if not that's o-Kay if so leave a post if not that is o-Kay.
I'm sure Miss.Lewis Told everybody about latest books,movies, articles, and events. Although She already told you about most every thing, I wanted to say and ask everybody what they would want to happen in the near future. I know that Miss Lewis is a good informer. But Just Am curious What would be a good song, Book, or movie to watch, see, or hear, since I never do Have a good idea in most events.
my proud moment..~Alejandra

My prowd moment was when i went to six flages great America and i went on the superman. I was in Chicago in summer and i had stayed there by myself with my family over there . My cousin thought i would be a good excuse to go somwere she new her parents wouldn't say yes to very easy. so when my uncle came home from work they had my little cousin ask there daddy if we could go to six flages, he ignored the question and went out of the room. Then the oldest girl told her dad her little sister wanted to go to six flages but he wasnt in the mood. Then we got my aunt to ask my uncle so he said maybe. The next day he was looking what day we should go i was happy and so were my cousins.
We were planing like when we found out what day we were going to go.
My cousin has been there before and she tryed to scare me by showing me the superman and i said i was going to get on it. My uncle even tryed to scare me it kinda worked.
The day came and everyone got up early becouse we wanted to get there early so on the way there we were talking about the superman. After 30 min. of waiting in the line we got on and it was scarie becouse it felt like if u were flying if u put your hands straight in front of you!
My proudest moment was when i rode on a roller coaster. ~Madi~
I am proud of this moment because i know that i love roller coasters. My mom cares a lot about my safety, and maybe to much. It was hard for her to let me out of her sight for the first time. But when i went to adventure land for the first time (last summer) i was really really proud.

When i think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that roller coasters are awesome and that its not my fault that the first time i rode one was last year. (i also love driving go karts now. just had to say it.) what do you like better, roller coasters or go karts?
When i think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that roller coasters are awesome and that its not my fault that the first time i rode one was last year. (i also love driving go karts now. just had to say it.) what do you like better, roller coasters or go karts?
when i read the hunger games series -richard miller
well my proudest moment is when i read my first chapter book , it was called the hunger game's . my reading teacher told me that i had to read a book , but i told her that i did not read book's. so i got in to trouble for a couple day's for not reading a book , it was dumb that i was getting into trouble cause i did not want to read. but she said that she would help me pick out a book . so when we was looking at her book shelf she pulled out this big book , well most people would call it small , but it was 300+ pages and i did not want to read it. but i gave into her and then i started reading the book , i was hooked on the first 2 chapters of that book. the funny thing was is that i would get into trouble to go and read the book. id lay my head down and ignore what the teacher was saying/asking me to do . so i could go to the auditorium and read for hours. but after the first book i was wanting to read the 2nd one. and after a while i read all 3 books of the hunger games. I'm not the reading type but that book was beast.
My prodest moment...
My prodest moment was when i met brandon in 7th grade, we met in 1 and 2 period we had Mr.Vanhake he always use to get in trouble and do dumb stuff like breaking the desk and fell down the bleachers he can always make me laugh and when im upset and im glad i met him becuase i can always make fun of him(: I think other people should meet him if they want a new friend (: -Amber
The DRAGON ! :O By Sidney Biondi. [:
My proudest moment was when I rode "The Dragon" at Adventureland for the first time. I am proud of this moment because I over came a fear of mine. I had always told myself that I would NEVER ride a rollercoaster that went upside down!
I remember that day so clear. It was the last day of school '07, & my aunt had picked up my sister and I from school & took us to Adventureland . It was a lot of fun. My older cousin Tanner was with us. Tanner was always so much fun to be around . & still is. . . We just get in a lot of trouble now a days from what we think is 'fun' (we're bad children, shhh!)
We were walking across that one bridge where you can feed the fishies & stuff when my aunt suggested the worst idea EVER . She suggested that we'd ride The Dragon. All the kids looked at her in that way like "What theheck you thinking lady?" She'd promised it'd be a lot of fun. . . She's quite convincing. We got to the back of the line & before we knew it we were being seated. Tanner sat in my cart & Kali (my sister) and my aunt sat infront of us. I remember moving & Tanner being so scared. I remember him shaking & getting all worked up about losing his things when it went upside down. When we went down that first hill I remember being so still . I was scared out of my mind. But the crazy thing was, it was over before I knew it & when we got off. . . I wanted to go again. [:
I remember that day so clear. It was the last day of school '07, & my aunt had picked up my sister and I from school & took us to Adventureland . It was a lot of fun. My older cousin Tanner was with us. Tanner was always so much fun to be around . & still is. . . We just get in a lot of trouble now a days from what we think is 'fun' (we're bad children, shhh!)
We were walking across that one bridge where you can feed the fishies & stuff when my aunt suggested the worst idea EVER . She suggested that we'd ride The Dragon. All the kids looked at her in that way like "What the
ohmaha_Destiney Kernes
my proudest moment was when i when to ohmaha zoo and i went to like the gorilla cave thing were they had gorillas in. there was this little girl she was looking at it in the eyes and i was standing there next to her and the gorilla ran at full speed at the glass and was angery or someting ran into the glass and it really scared me i freaked out and me and the other little girl was crying ehrn that happen and this was like when i was like 5-7 but i just remeber that i think i when with my aunt or it was when i went with my grandma and grandpa. but i think it was my aunt and uncle said the only reason why it ran and was mad because it saw your face so yes it was my aunt and uncle there always mean to me.When i tink back to this moment i think of crying because i was getting picked on by my aunt and uncle:( but other wise when i do things with them there the same way but have you ever been on a car trip to the zoo and someting wild happend to you?
proudest moment - Jeremy Bentley
My proudest moment i have had was when i was in the Iowa little league state championship game. i was nervous because i was going to be on television and i didn't want to do bad. i ended up doing good i pitched a no hitter and made them cry! i got the nickname freak after that because the mediacom guy told me i was the best pitcher he had seen in a while. i was happy and i got player of the game and helped my team go to the little league regional tournament in Indianapolis Indiana and made it to the semi finals and almost made it to the little league world series!
NACHO'S by Aris
My proudest moment was when I ate some nachos. They tasted so good that I just had to have more. But when I finished them off I felt bad because I didnt have no more to eat. So I tryed to get my friend to buy me some but he didnt want no more nachos. I felt bad for the nachos because they are at the store all alone with nobody to eat them.
Proud Moment- Bryan Waters
I have a lot of proud moments,but not one bad enough that my brother begs me to be proud again and follow him up to the little ride called a roller coaster. A roller coaster is the biggest fear i have besides heights. Most people love roller coasters and will do anything to go and ride them. I won't.
I hate roller coasters they make me sick. I hate to go and ride them, they go to a very high distance up in the air, then they go and fly really fast down the track and and down hills until it is all over.
The reason i hate these is that when you go on them it gives you a tingling feeling in your back, Makes me pass out and makes most people sick. My uncle who made me ride this with him and my brother. however he didn't mind it, I did.
So although i rode on them i tried to act cool and now my brother wont leave me alone until i go on these fast sloped monsters.
I hate roller coasters they make me sick. I hate to go and ride them, they go to a very high distance up in the air, then they go and fly really fast down the track and and down hills until it is all over.
The reason i hate these is that when you go on them it gives you a tingling feeling in your back, Makes me pass out and makes most people sick. My uncle who made me ride this with him and my brother. however he didn't mind it, I did.
So although i rode on them i tried to act cool and now my brother wont leave me alone until i go on these fast sloped monsters.
my proudest moment was when i met amber by brandon torres
One of my prodest moment was when i met amber f. Im proud of this moment because i got a new good friend and someone to help me in tough time and help me when no one else is there.When I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people how I met amber.
Victoria's Proud Moment!(:
The Big Time Rush Album Cover!!! :D |
When I bought my phone- Keelin Ladurini
My proudest moment was when I bought my own phone. I am proud of this moment because I payed for the phone by myself, with my own money. When I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that I am proud of myself for earning the money to buy my very own phone.
The proudest momet in my life harley
The proudest moment in my life was when I cooked my first meal.I am proud of this moment because the meal turn out just the way it was supposed to.When I think back on this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that they should try to cook if they have never cooked.
1000 Dollars! - Carlie McClaran
My proudest moment was when I earned over a thousand dollars during the summer before 7th grade. I'm proud of this moment because, I spent my money on my own phone, and my school clothes for the 7th grade year. When I think of this moment, I know I made my dad proud because when he got back from California I was able to lend my dad money, but my brother wasn't able to even though he actually had a steady job. I was proud of my self because of what I spent my money on, and how hard I worked for my money. I made my money by babysitting a five year old and a nine year old every other week all summer. I babysat them all day. I got paid extra money because the five year old was a heathen. He liked to pull knifes on people. I was the only person he was afraid to do so.
My proudest moment By Derek Snider
My proudest moment was when i stole $50.00 from my sister.I did it because i didnt have any money to go to a movie and get food at adventureland. I am proud of it because it was easy and i got a lot of stuff that day with that money. When I think of this moment it makes me want to tell people because it was funny.
What I am proud of Chace Donaldson
I am very proud of the fact that I hooked up all of my stuff in my room for electronics. I have HD tv that is hooked up with my playstation 3 that is very fun. And since I have an HD tv and my HD on my ps3 I had to have 1080p full HD. And for christmas I got a video game chair that is in my ps3 of course. So i also have the best sound you can buy. I always have the best that I can even though i do not have that much money so do not think that I am some spoiled rich kid beacause I work for it all. It is not easy to hookup everything beacause of all the cords and such and such but when it is all done it is very cool.
If you ever want to buy this make sure you have the insructions. At first I did not for some of it I got lucky I love all of it. Internet gaming is the best of all. Getting to play all the people in the world is very challenging. I hope that more people will join the online univerese so I can either beat them or play with them.
There is plenty of people online people at this school but I am one of the best if anyone wants to challenge me bring it. Just kidding but seriosly bring it on. Like I said in my last blog I am very good at black ops and I hope to see more people online so I can beat you. Zombies is fun and in HD it is the best you have not lived until you see HDMI 1080p. So try it as soon as possible.
If you ever want to buy this make sure you have the insructions. At first I did not for some of it I got lucky I love all of it. Internet gaming is the best of all. Getting to play all the people in the world is very challenging. I hope that more people will join the online univerese so I can either beat them or play with them.
There is plenty of people online people at this school but I am one of the best if anyone wants to challenge me bring it. Just kidding but seriosly bring it on. Like I said in my last blog I am very good at black ops and I hope to see more people online so I can beat you. Zombies is fun and in HD it is the best you have not lived until you see HDMI 1080p. So try it as soon as possible.
Proudest moment ;D -Cheyenne.
My proudest moment was when my parents friend asked me to play on his softball tournament team! I was pretty nervous because I didn't know anyone on the team except the coach, and I didn't know any of their plays. I wasn't sure if I wanted to play on the team. But I end up giving it a try. When I went to the first practice it was kind of awkward, everyone kept looking at me, wanting to know why I was there. But then the coach introduced me to the team. The girls seemed nice but none of them really talked to me. When it came to our first game I was very nervous. I didn't know if I would do good or not. But when I was out in the outfeild I caught a popfly and everyone was so happy cause if I didn't the other team would of won. That's when everyone started to talk to me and we got along. We played a whole lot of games that weekend so I got to know everyone well. It turned out to be really fun. (:
What I want people to get from this is if you feel out of place, or if you don't think that you do well stick with it because most of the time in the end it turns out good, and you are proud that you stuck to it. (: The end! ;D
What I want people to get from this is if you feel out of place, or if you don't think that you do well stick with it because most of the time in the end it turns out good, and you are proud that you stuck to it. (: The end! ;D
Who is Better? Ray William Johnson (=3) OR Shane Dawson (Ask Shane etc)
What's happening forum? Who do you think is better Ray or Shane? In my mind Ray is because his epic hair and his reviews of epically hilarious videos. Shane tries to hard to be funny and has very poor humour in most of videos. Ray is so good he actually makes his own songs and Shane tries to but like I said before has bad humor and makes a fool of himself on YouTube. I got to admit that I was once a fan of Shane but his YouTube twin (Onision) had better videos so I lost interest in his videos pretty quick. Ray's videos will always be funny and won't get boring like Shane's. So America, who do you think is better? Ray or Shane?
Ejection Seat 'Fair 2010 : A D D Y !
Okay, So Last Year I went To The Iowa State Fair With My Mom, Step Dad, And My Brother's. A Few Weeks Before the Fair, My Mom And I were talking about Rideing the Ejection Seat, It is a ride were they strap you into a Sling Shot Thing, They have to put Straps everywhere between your feet and your chest. So, The day of the fair We rode a lot of rides, But not any really scary ones. So right when we were about to leave, My mom asked me if I still wanted to ride the Ejection Seat, I told her Yes, But I was SUUPPERRR- DUPPERR Nervous. We were in line, and they were changing the bungee cords, for safety precautions, and there was two girls in front of us. They went on it together, and they were screaming. That made me even more nervous. On the ride they have a built in camcorder, so they video you while you are in the sky and play it down where you stand in line, so everyone can watch it. You can bye the video if you want to, but you don't have to. When it was me and my mom' s turn to go, I chickened out and didn't want to do it. My mom went on it, and told me to get on. So I did, But I was really scared. They were strapping us in and it seemed like it took them ten minutes. Finally, they were done, they all backed away and lifted us back to stretch it so it would fling up, they counted down from Three. THREE-TWO-ONE. But then nothing happend. I ws thinking, Oh My God Did It break What Happened ? Then They shot us in the air, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. It was CRAZY ! We were spinning and I could see the whole fair. We kept on going upside down and it felt like we were going to crash into the ground. It was SOOO Much Funn. Im proud that I went on Even Though I was scared. When I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell people about it because I was afraid and I Concored My fear. [: And You should ride this ride, Because it is AMAZING ! That was my PROUD time at the Fair. By : Addy Davis ! 
when i went on the space shot by jesse mcgregor
In the middle of summer I went to adventure land and I went on almost all the rides at adventure land except the space shot but I am scared of heights so I really didn't want to go but I decided to go to see if i could survive so onece I was on the space shot strapped in and ready to go the person in charge name bill no joke his name was bill told us all the rules dont take off the harness and keep hands and feet in at all times then finally he told us to count down from ten 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 then we went up half way and all the way down the all the way up then we all thought we were going to go straight down but as we went down the ride quickly stopped at the middle and went all the way up and in a really fast motion we went down and the ride came to a stop.moral; if you dont want to do something because your scared you might be missing out. question would you be willing to face your fear to try something new .
The day I did't use a night light-Gannon Harrington
It's every kids dream to sleep without a night light but there just to scared of the boogieman.And my mom used to tell me the boogieman is just the evil side of me that won't go away.But every kid ends up over coming his fear by doing something.Mine took a long time to think about until it hit me playing in the sand box, and so I planed to try it out.
So that night the time when kids hear the creepy noise thats realy is the fridge or something and go cry for there parents I unpluged my night light and went to sleep.the next morning my mom came out to the living room and said she didn't see my night light on last night and told her the genuis of my plan.If im scared of the dark that means the evil side is too!
Went to a gun store-Angel Mendoza
well in California i went to this Gun store. So when i went to it and well i saw lots of guns nd well they were real nd there was beeb guns . So went i went there was a gun range so me nd my dad went nd he went nd i got to shoot an 9 mm and a colt 45 and a ak47 . Well when i went they didnt let me shoot it because i was to young but my dad let me anyways.
So before i left i got bought a Beeb Gun. We never got caught when i shot the guns. So we went home me nd my dad and all my family went to the woods nd had a war nd it was really fun. I got to shot my dad in the chest nd my uncle shot me in the back which hurted alittle bit. But i got to shoot him in the chest it was really fun nd cool!!!! That was some good time !! I had lots of fun.
My proudest moment ! by:Orlandrea
My proudest moment, was when my team won the basketball tournament. It was so amazing because we usually lose in most of them but because we work as a team and didn't want to stay there we won, nd we wanted to get it over with. It was a long day for everyone. The team was really tried after the game's. But, we still had an hour drive back home. I'm proud of that moment because we wanted to lost but we won both games and lost the first one. When, i think back at this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that we are a good team and we work together somethings and basketball people get mad and don't always want to work as a team.
The Day I Learned To Ride My Bike By Tyler Rangel
When I was about six or seven I was going to taught to ride my bike and my dad was going to teach me. I was so scared to take off the training wheels because that was the thing that was keeping me balance. I afraid that I was going to fall off the bike and lived in a place that had a lot of turns. When my dad frist let me go he said to keep peddling and to hold on but I was so scared that I wiggling out of control and fell over. The good thing is I didn't hurt myself yet, but the second time I did end up with a cut on my knee it was that bad. After a couple of times I did get the hang of it and soon after that I was riding by myself and it felt awesome I felt like I was flying through the sky. Now when I think back at this moment it makes me want to tell other people that you have to fall before you can get back up again.
Pac-Man by Javier Zamora
My goal is to get the high score on Pac-Man on my iphone.My mom all ways plays Pac-Man and I try to get the high score but I can never get close.My goal will be that one day I will beat her score but Pac-Man is hard and it will take forever to beat my moms score.I will be proud the day I will be proud the day I beat my mom and that day is so close all I need is a few 1000 points to beat her.
The day I learned to tie my shoes : Stephan Arreola
Ever wonder how kids feel once they learn to tie their shoes? Do they feel proud, filled with honor or happy? I remember that moment when I was growing up and I learned to tie my shoes. It was in my best days as a little kid (the kindergarten days). I remember being on the playground on a windy day it was like i was destined to learn how to tie my shoe that day. I tried a very feeble attempt but I didn't accomplish it but than I heard a voice in my head that I think was god saying "You can do it my son I believe in you (none of this really happened just trying to make it sound epic) but there I was my second attempt and I Stephan D'Carlo Arreola finally tied my shoe! I was filled with pride right away it was like winning a noble award. How did you feel once you tied your shoe?
My fear of AIRPLANES -Justin Lyon-
Do you have a fear? I used to be afraid of airplanes but, now I overcame that fear and now I've come to love them. Now, I want to pilot one some day. I wasn't really afraid of the height or anything. But, I was afraid of the plane crashing into something. Hopefully, this will never happen but it's posible. Also, I hope that I will always come to love them no matter what.
My proudest moment -Cassadee Flor-
My proudest moment is when I sang at the Hoyt Middle School Talent show last year. I sang "Nobody's Home" by Avril Lavigne. I was so scared. I couldn't believe that people were going to hear me sing. Was I going to sing the wrong note? Was I going to say the wrong words? My throat got dry. All I could think about was failing. All my friends were there to support me. I got up on that stage and sang my heart out. I messed up on one note but nobody noticed. Everyone was cheering and clapping. I was so happy. I was so proud of myself. This year at the talent show, I am doing two singing talents. One is a duet with Brooke and the other is by myself. I hope I get a standing ovation.
-Love and ladybugs, Cassadee-

-Love and ladybugs, Cassadee-
Riding a bike. Izak Yaw
I was 7 years old when I learned how to ride a bike. I tried it before,but I would always fall off ! It was hard at first, but then I got really good and started to ride my bike all the time. I just rode my cousins bike this weekend and I realized that it has been a long time since I have rode a bike.
When I learned to play the drums KOLTON WHITMORE
When i learned how to ride a horse by:Claudia M.
My proudest moment was when I learned how to ride a horse. I am proud of this moment because I have always wahted to learn how to ride a horse. I used to try to ride a horse by myself but I was to scared so I used to have my brother walk me around on the horse until one day my dad made me ride it by myself. At first I as realy scared until I finally got it. I was so happy and so was my parents. when I think back over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people how scared I was when i first started to ride the horse all by myself, but after I learned how to ride the horse all by my self I had so much fun.
When i moved down to Missouri by Elizabeth S.
My produest moment was when I moved down to Missouri. I am proud of this moment because when I lived in Centerville before i moved I got really bad grades. I never stayed on task. When I did move down to Missouri I got better grades and payed more attention in class. I found better friends that pushed me to be better not just in school but my goals to achieve my goals for the future. It was really hard to leave my mom and dad especially when my dad was losing weight. After the school year was over I came back to Des Moines and we found out he had Colon Cancer. When I moved down there I thought no one was goin to help me pull through but I was wrong that was the best thing I ever did.
Jeffrey Rangel:My Proudest moment....
My proudest moment was when I went to Disney World and rode almost all the rides. I am proud of this because I am usually scared of rollercoasters and I really did not want to waste my parents money. I had a lot of fun and going to Disney World was by far my funnest vacation.
Now I am not as scared when it comes to ridding new rides and trying new things. My advice to you is even if you think you might not like it and other people say it's fun you should try it. Have you ever tried something that you didin't think would be fun?
Now I am not as scared when it comes to ridding new rides and trying new things. My advice to you is even if you think you might not like it and other people say it's fun you should try it. Have you ever tried something that you didin't think would be fun?
The time i finished a book :) by Mylisa
My proudest moment was when I finished a book thats when I was proud of my self. Well that's the time I finished a book and I would love to finish more books. I am proud of this moment because I never finished a book before so that's why i am proud of my self. Have you ever read a book or finished a book if you have what book havae you finished?
:) -Mylisa- :)
:) -Mylisa- :)
Proud Moment. -Jade. (:
I am proud of being a good friend. It is something everyone should do. It's easy for me because I have such amazing friends.
Being a good friend is something everyone should be proud of. Sometimes being a good friend is difficult because you get in fights and get mad at each other. I always try not to get in fights with my friends because I always feel really bad. I try to be the best friend I can be all of the time. I love my friends and wouldn't trade them for anything! (: <3
Being a good friend is something everyone should be proud of. Sometimes being a good friend is difficult because you get in fights and get mad at each other. I always try not to get in fights with my friends because I always feel really bad. I try to be the best friend I can be all of the time. I love my friends and wouldn't trade them for anything! (: <3
Winning shot: By Mateo (Tito_10) Rodriguez
Around the beginning of February a team representing Altoona at a Waukee soccer tournament had a semi-final game and they were playing against West Des Moines. West Des Moines had one short left footed kid who was an amazing player just to big of a cry baby. He scored two goals on us and one of our forwards had only scored one on them. There were about 10 minutes left in the game and that's when Miguel our midfielder took a shot about 3/4 from half field and scored right at the uper 90. It was 2-2 but then they scored another goal in a break away where the goalie lost the ball. When there was 5 minutes left in the game they fouled one of our players and it was a perfect chance for a goal. I told Miguel to let me take the free kick, and that's what I did. The goalie was way of to his left post so i just curved it in the right corner and it was tied up once again 3-3. 20 second on left on the clock and I decided to play all field so I was wherever the ball was. One of there players didn't see me come and I stole the ball from him. I just started running from half field toward the goal then I saw there whole defense come towards me, I passed it to Willi and then like 3 defenders went towards him but then he passed it to Miguel and Miguel gave me a quick one touch pass and i put my foot flat on the floor so the ball could roll up and when it did I hit it with my knee when I had my back to the goal then the ball went a little to my left and that's when I did a half bicycle kick and scored over the goalie. I will NEVER forget this moment because we were able to advance and win the championship. I would love to tell everyone about it but I don't like to brag. Just remember anything is possible if you TRY!!!!!!!!
My proudest moment By:Jt
My proudest moment was when I was on my major league baseball team and we were 12-0 we hadn't lost a single game.We did this for 4 times.We were at the championship game against Raccon Valley.We were tied 5-5 we were in the 5th inning,and my team was on the field.We had two outs.I was up first and the coach gave me the sign to bunt so they threw the first pitch and it was a ball so he gave me the signal again.I did what he told me to do and the pitch came and I bunted it down the third base line.I ran as fast as I could to first base and I made it.The next person came up to bat the ball passed by the catcher and I ran for second base.I made it there before the catcher got it. I made it all the way around the bases and scored so I was the winning run.We got three outs then it was the last inning it was 5-6 we were chamoions.
Proud moment. By: Maria Vanegas (:
One thing that makes me really proud is being a good friend. I really do consider myself a good friend, I think I'm there for them whenever they need me and they are too. I'm glad I have such great friends! We've shared lots of memories together, even though we've only known each other for a year.
I know friends have their ups and downs, but we get through them.. Our friendship is stronger than our arguements. I have great friends, and they have me too. (:
I know friends have their ups and downs, but we get through them.. Our friendship is stronger than our arguements. I have great friends, and they have me too. (:
Collin Anderson-When i landed my first kickflip....
It was a long time ago, when I just started skateboading i was tryin to land a kickflip.
It was the only trick that I can almost get, so I keep on trying. All of my friend new how to do it already i was the only one that did not. So that just made me try harder.
One day when I was trying I almost had it. I landed on the board and then I mist it and I Hit the ground really hard and landed on my rist. And then i got up and my rist was bending the way it sould not have been.
So my friend ran up to my house got my mom and we went to the hospital. A mothe or 2 had gone by and then i got the cast off and then i went back out and tryed again. And a few hours later i landed it...
And i dont know why i picked this for my proudest moment, cause this i kind of chesseie... But you no what ever...ahahaha thank for reading...
It was the only trick that I can almost get, so I keep on trying. All of my friend new how to do it already i was the only one that did not. So that just made me try harder.
One day when I was trying I almost had it. I landed on the board and then I mist it and I Hit the ground really hard and landed on my rist. And then i got up and my rist was bending the way it sould not have been.
So my friend ran up to my house got my mom and we went to the hospital. A mothe or 2 had gone by and then i got the cast off and then i went back out and tryed again. And a few hours later i landed it...
And i dont know why i picked this for my proudest moment, cause this i kind of chesseie... But you no what ever...ahahaha thank for reading...
Cesar Alvarez Greatest accomplishment
My proudest moment was when I scored 8 goals in one game.I am proud of this moment Because it was the first time i made 8 goals and the only time I did that.Another reason is because we ended up tieing 8 to 8.When I think over this moment, It makes me want to tell people because it is one of my greatest accomplishment.
Proudest moment- Deng Kongroar
My proudest moment was reading and finishing a whole chapter In a book. I am proud of this moment because I never liked reading but now I do. When I think back over this moment , It makes me want to tell other people that reading Is sometimes fun but not always. An another proud moment was when i finished thats same book In a week, ever since than I liked reading.
My Proudest Moment Was...
My proudest moment was when I opened my report card and for the first time I had strait As. I couldn't believe that I had gotten all As. The last time I had gotten Bs and one C.So I had decided to work really hard this time and it paid off.
This shows that when you truely try hard you can achieve your goals.
Gabriela Gonzalez
This shows that when you truely try hard you can achieve your goals.
Gabriela Gonzalez
My proudest moment by Anthony Allen
I got my permit in October of 2010, I got it on the first try. I don't think its that hard to get on the first try you just need to have common sense. For others though it is hard to get it on the first try because you may be nervous so you mess up more than usual. If you don't think about how many you have already missed because if you don't look then you don't worry about how many more you have to miss until you fail.
If you study you will surly do better on the test. If you don't study it is much harder to get your permit so if you do tke the test I advise you do study. You don't have to but I encourage you to do so. Tell me what you think.
If you study you will surly do better on the test. If you don't study it is much harder to get your permit so if you do tke the test I advise you do study. You don't have to but I encourage you to do so. Tell me what you think.
When I Broke My By Adam Delmege
My friend was gone and I was waiting for him to get home from school and was riding my bike down his driveway and wrecked into his garage and landed on my arm.I screamed so loud I'm sure someone around the block heard me.I was proud because it was fun but it was very painful.My step dad said it was only going to swell up. When my mom got home she ask if I wanted to go see if it was broken and I said yes. We waited at the place for an hour and a half before we got called. We found out that I broke my radius and my ulna.I had to have a cast on for six weeks. When I finally got it off it felt weird not having the cast on.
The End
The End
my proudest moment was my pets
My proudest moment was taking care of pets. My pets are my proudest moment becuse I had have a lot of diffent types of pets. Another reason is so you can take care of them and show them off to your frineds and faimly. Pets are just like us.They need to be loved and fed and drink water just like us to survive and they have emotions like we do. When I think over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that animals are just like us.
by Dakota clarke
My proudest moment was taking care of pets. My pets are my proudest moment becuse I had have a lot of diffent types of pets. Another reason is so you can take care of them and show them off to your frineds and faimly. Pets are just like us.They need to be loved and fed and drink water just like us to survive and they have emotions like we do. When I think over this moment, it makes me want to tell other people that animals are just like us.
by Dakota clarke
My First Deer Hunt by Austin Young
i am proud of this moment because it was my first time going hunting and i was nevose. It actle whent well we went friday night to set up blinds. We hunted all day saterday and sunday my cousin and dad where the only one to get any thing. On sunday I got two my grandpa missed dad got one so did my cousin .my uncle got to go home with the bigest deer of all he went home with a tewlve point buck.
when I thin about this it makes me tell people that hunting is a fun sport to do. A good way of exiceris. Also time to go outside and relaxs.
when I thin about this it makes me tell people that hunting is a fun sport to do. A good way of exiceris. Also time to go outside and relaxs.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Casting for the Hunger Games Movie has begun- Miss L
I've told you that our read aloud series, The Hunger Games will be made into a movie, and it looks like things are starting to move forward. I was pleased to find out that the script was writing by the actual author of the series, Suzanne Collins. I'm hoping that this means the movie will follow the book pretty closely. This week it was also verified that the casting has begun. According to IMDb (the Internet Movie Data Base) Brazilian native, Gabriel Liotta, has been cast to play the role of Peeta Mellark. No other actors have been named in the cast, but it is rumored that my good friend, and Zombieland star Abigail Breslin, really wants to play the role of Katniss Everdeen. I am a huge Breslin fan so I might be a little biased. What do you think?
Who would you like to see star in The Hunger Games movie? (as Katniss, Prim, Peeta, Gale, Rue...)
Gabriel Liotta to play Peeta Mellark |
I've told you that our read aloud series, The Hunger Games will be made into a movie, and it looks like things are starting to move forward. I was pleased to find out that the script was writing by the actual author of the series, Suzanne Collins. I'm hoping that this means the movie will follow the book pretty closely. This week it was also verified that the casting has begun. According to IMDb (the Internet Movie Data Base) Brazilian native, Gabriel Liotta, has been cast to play the role of Peeta Mellark. No other actors have been named in the cast, but it is rumored that my good friend, and Zombieland star Abigail Breslin, really wants to play the role of Katniss Everdeen. I am a huge Breslin fan so I might be a little biased. What do you think?
Who would you like to see star in The Hunger Games movie? (as Katniss, Prim, Peeta, Gale, Rue...)
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