One afternoon during school, something very strange happens to Peidro Beach . All kids and adults 15 and up just disappear leaving kids to take care of their self. And even more weird kids in Pedro Beach start to develope mutant powers . I recommend this book to anyone who likes action packed blood squirting adventures. This an awesome series and i think should be read by everyone.
Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Proudest Neico Greene
My proudest moment was one year ago during the summer. It was 2010 and we were at one of the biggest tournaments of the year . and we were playing the team to beat , the Barnstormers. They were so good everyone thought that they for sure had the trophy to the tournament.The first three quarters it was a neck-to-neck. we were trading baskets, and pretty much dead even until about to minute left of the game. they were up about four points and we scored to make them up by two. We trapped them and ,and got the ball back and called a timeout because there was ten seconds left. After the timeout they pass the ball to me and they left me wide open at the three point line, so I took the big shot. After the shot I knew it was going to be off a little bit but luckily I hit backboard just right and it dropped in.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Duop dream job
My dream job is to be in the N.B.A and playing for the los angeles lakers and trying to get some basketball rings like micheal jordan or kobe byrant and have a good career in the N.B.A
Duop takers the movie
The movie takers is a good movie because it have good actors and it have two rapers T.I and chris brown and i like it because to is a action movie and they have stunts, good shoot outs and other crazy stuff i like the story of the movie and they act good in the movie.
Duop's spring break
This spring break i going to be lazy and eat all the food we have and hang out with my friend s but i know that we are going to go to the YMCA and play basketball and do the everything that we want at the Y i going to kingdom a few time and practice basketball with the caoches there.
beginning of basketball
I started to get in to basketball in third grade and i alway practice to get batter because i was just learning how to play by fifth grade i got good not to good but a little and want i was in six grade i got batter and batter and east high school coaches were telling me that i was good and i should play for the AAU team the next year and i really like it and i practice a year and when i was in seven grade it was time to tryout for th teams and i made it on the B team and that was the second team i was proud of my self for makeing the team so i practice more and this year i made it on the A team.
kingdom hoops
A coupale of moyhs ago my causin told me that i was going to play for kingdom hoops academy i could'nt belive that it was true because i always wanted to play for kingdom hoops and she play for kingdom to so she know the people their and they said that they wanted my to go practice with them and get to know the players on one of the teams because they have a few teams for each grade there it was fun when i went to go practice with them and it was also fun.
- Music.
Music, Music, Music. I Listen to a lot of different types of music, Not just one band or Group. I like Almost everything, from Pop, to Rock, to 80's, to Classical, to Everything ! Almost every type of music interests me. The only thing I really don't listen to is SCREAMO. But other than that I liten to pretty much EVRYTHING ! Sooooo' Yeah. <3
Music, Music, Music. I Listen to a lot of different types of music, Not just one band or Group. I like Almost everything, from Pop, to Rock, to 80's, to Classical, to Everything ! Almost every type of music interests me. The only thing I really don't listen to is SCREAMO. But other than that I liten to pretty much EVRYTHING ! Sooooo' Yeah. <3
Music. -Cheyenne.
What music would say about me is, a lot of things. I pretty much like everything. Like, everything! I could say what I like the least would probably be country, but there are some songs I like that are country. If you went through my iPod you would just see lots of different types of music from classical, dance, electronic, techno, hip-hop, rap, pop, R&B, rock, screamo? Ha. EVERYTHING! There isn't really one type of band/singer I really like since I like everything, so it would be kind of hard to pick. But, yeah, that's it. (: I love music, & pretty much all types of music, & I listen it to all the time!
advertisment by jesse mcgregor
the one advertisment that intrested me was the iPod Touch commerial so i started to save up and i bought one and it was worth it. it is one of the best electronic devices that ive ever bought.
Double check your end punctuation.
Snickers advertisment
I think a really cool advertusement is snickers. They are always so funny. Like this one where they are lumberjacks. When the lady is like my back hurts then she's hit with the log and is like now my front hurts too. So I like the snickers the best.
if someone found my ipod kolton whitmore
If someone found my ipod they wouldn't know anything about me. I listen to anything. Whatvers on the raido I just listen to it. Old music new music I will listen to anything but techno I think it is so annoying.
Advertisments by Cassadee Flor
I don't let advertisements get to me. I just go to the store and by whatever I need to get. But some commercials are OK. I guess. I just wish they had more for Cd's and music stuff.
-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-

-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-
One produced that influenced me was..... Was an I pod I seen the T.V a million times,and then I finally ask my mom,and she bought me one for Christmas ! And every celebrities had one.
necklace: Rosemarie scheel
One thing I saw on television that I really wanted was a bible necklace that opined up and had verses inside of it I just thought it was so neat. I just had to get it but i couldn't cuz my mom had borrowed all my money that day. but on the bright side my mom seid that she would try to get me one for my birthday.
Mortal Kombat Advertisment by: Jeffrey Rangel
When I went to Gamestop I say a really cool video game poster. It was for a new video game, Mortal Kombat, It had a really big fighting scene on it. The ad also said you could prorder it but, its already out now. Another reason I wanted to buy it was because it said you get a 15 dollar giftcard if you buy it.

The Snuggie !
One product that influenced me to buy it was the Snuggie. It is a blanket with arms! It is very useful. If you are eating, texting, on the computer, or anything. I got a Snuggie for a gift, but I lost it. It is a great gift if you have no ideas. My grandma has a Snuggie and she uses it all the time. I think it is a great product.
One time I was watching TV and a commercial came on for the new instyler. I say how easy it was for the girl to straighten her hair with it. It talked about how it wouldn't damage your hair and how quick it was. this made me want it because i straighten my hair alot and don't want to damage it. so i told my mom that I wanted and she was just like, "Oh OK." Then a couple of weeks later my friend told me that she bought one and it didn't work. So it shows you that you aren't to believe what you see.
Advertisment, Anthony Allen
The only thing I can think of is when my dad bought my ipod for me. I can't really think of how the television influenced me. The my reason I wanted an ipod touch was because my dad had one. So honestly the television had no influence on me and that is how i got my ipod touch.
a fusigi by austin young
one time I was watching tv and I saw the comircal. It was over a gravtionl ball and really poupler . I thougt it would be a fun toy and time consuming. So after a week i got borad of the gavtionl ball and sold it . So if you hear that some thing will be loved dont belive it because people will get bord of it.
Advertisment-Adam Delmege
One advertisement that I liked was a bed. It looked really comfortable!!! I hope I can get one because my bed hurts my neck.The bed adjusts to the settings you think is comfortable.That is a commercial that I think was awesome.
Monday, April 18, 2011
planet fitness commercial by joni hopkins
This commercial not only made me laugh but if made me want to go there. Well I go there now and there is no meat head there, people are kind, and it a no justment zone. Good look at the veido.
Pillow Pets By:Nely Ruiz:)
The other day a saw a commercial about a pillow pet. I thought it was awesome because it looked comfortable. My favorite one was the unicorn. I would like my parents to buy it for me so I could save up money for something better.
Click to see commercial:)
my advertisement!!
My advertisement!!
Well my advertisement has to be the axe commercials! I say that because it really smells good! Ladies well in my case lady loves it! No celebrity was endorsing it. Well the stats was that it does work its magic! I bought it because it has a great smell! People it does work!
By Joseph B. McVey
moonsand stinks!!!!!!!!!!!
When moonsand first came out I was amazed and wanted it I guess. anyways the moonsand commercial said moonsand is fun. but I on the other hand I said [this sucks booty] when I left the moonsand out it dryed out in 4 minutes. so I just threw it in the trash quickly. the commercial looked great with all it's flashy moonsand. in the end I bought it but hated it.
the instyler
i want an iphone it has internet you can see the internet better you can text or call without opening your phone
advertisement influence
something i wanted was a kobe shoe the new and i got it for basketball.kobe is my best baksetball player so evertime i got to shoping i always get some new kobes because there some nice good when you play basketball in it.they have some nice color nice.the shoe's kobe make are so nice that you can make ever shot if you play basketball.
My favorite Ad by michael gonzalez
My favorite Ad is fushigi ball. They said it floats in mid-air well I never tried it but I want one.I can't affored it because I keep spending my money on chips.Well now I got to save my money to buy it.
Cabbage Patch Kids & Pogo Balls
When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, the best toy on earth was revealed... The Cabbage Patch Kids. Cabbage Patch Kids, were kids that were "hatched" out of cabbage and just needed a good person to adopt them. They came with a birth certificate, with the Cabbage Patch Kid's name, birth date. Although there were only a few kinds of dolls, the birth certificates made each doll unique. Not only did these dolls promise to make the kids who had them happy, but if you owned one, you were giving an orphan a good home.
What made these dolls ever more desirable, was the fact that they were hard to find. Store were always sold out, and this forced desperate mothers to buy generic knock offs, or like my mom did, make a homemade version. These homemade dolls we dubbed "Crappage Patch Kids" because we knew they were not the real thing.

Advertisements That Stuck Out
An advertisement that has stuck out to me was an Ipod Touch. It caught my eye because it holds alot of memory and games. They also make apps that are really helpful like math. Its statics got me.
Advertisement influence
I don't buy anything buy anything unless I want it. I don't buy much. If I had to say one thing i wanted to buy it was the snuggie. A few years back I lived in a fairly big house. It was small enough to fit our family but too big to warm. We would have heaters we would fight over, furnaces we would get dressed in front of, and lots of blankets thrown in random places, but it wasn't enough. A year ago we moved out of that house and the only thing I was guaranteed to bring was the snuggy I got for my birthday that year, plus the money I was left with after my mom gave me some, for which I bought another snuggy. Which I used all by myself.
gir dress
When i was at home one day i was watching tv and a dress comerical came on and there was a gir dress and i wanted it badly. I called my dad and asked if i could go to the mall and get one and he said yes so that weekend we went to marle hay and looked for one but noone had it so we went to jordan creek they didnt have it either so my dad said lets try mall of america next weekend. That next weekend we went to mall of america and we went to like 5 different stores but then when we went to hot topic i looked around and there it was green and black with gir on it i fall in love with it and my dad bought it and i wore it to my brothers 16th birthday party.
Care BearsC(-= by Richard Miller
An advertisement that has influenced me to buy something is Care Bears , cause they are so dumb and fluffy. No idea why I want one. But the commercial is so AWESOME , they even make ones that smell good, but they would most likely lose there smell. but I want a BIG FLUFFY CARE BEAR , I am bored some I think I am done with this. C(-=
madi muench advertisement
An advertisement that influenced me to buy something is mighty puty. it probly dosent even work like it says in the ad, but i still want some. and now ever sence i saw the dubed video of it on youtube i want it even more. and i have no idea why. it looks really cool, i could like stick something up on a wall or something.
(this is my most weird blog ever)
(this is my most weird blog ever)
Alejandra Quintana~ swimming pool
I went to the store and me and my brothers saw this swimming pool. On the box there was a picture of "how easy it was to have a pool and to set it up". We thought it would be nice to go swimming on our back yard when ever we wanted and no one could tell how long to be there and swim. So me and the twins went over to my mom and tryed to convince them to bye it for us. we said mom its only a couple hundred dollers and we will clean the pool every day. We said anthing so the we could get it we said we wouldnt ask for anything for christmas and alot of other things we didnt really mean now. That summer was hard we didnt now how to do anything and seting it up was hard. it looked on the book so nice and fun it was but only till we had to clean it. The water was cold and we had to put the top on it everyday but we still have it and we got used to it a little more and we gonna put it up again this summer.
Meshell Kyles,Advertisement(: Pillow Pet!
When i was watching T.V. I saw this Add on T.V. About Pillow Pets...And i really wanted one Because They Were So CUTE and BIG!!!!!!.....So One Day I was At WALMART!(My fave Place)And i was walking in I Saw All The PILLOW PETS!! I was LIKE "MOM,MOM,MOM."Get This For Me And She Said "Okay Little Kid!!!!.. II was Happy hahahahah!!(:
I have been tempted by the advertisment bisness, I was twelve a small chialed with a love for watching t.v. The comertial was about an easy bake-oven I wanted it so bad and when I finaly did get it, it turned out that it didnt work. I should have known when the sailes lady said no refunds. My mom got mad that she wasted money on a stupid toy that dose'nt eaven work.
I have been tempted other times but none of them had me dragen my mom to the store like the easy bake oven that destroyed my dreams. I realy don't like false advertisements.
I have been tempted other times but none of them had me dragen my mom to the store like the easy bake oven that destroyed my dreams. I realy don't like false advertisements.
The Instyler(:-By Sidney Biondi.
An advertisement that has influenced me to buy a product would have to have been the Instyler. It's basically a hair straightener/curling iron. The advertisement made it look so amazing. I only really wanted it for the curling iron part but the straightener was a bonus. I have two of them actually. (: They're so cute too. They're all orange a stuff. Haha(: 

Gryo Bowl
I seen the Gyro Bowl and ever since then I wanted one. They don't ever spill anything and I always thought that was kind of cool. So i'm gonna save my money up and buy one because my mom won't by me one she says it's a waste of her money. 
Carlie McClaran. - Advertisment,
One time I was watching T.v when I was little, I saw an add on T.v for Moon Bouncers.
The way they looked and how fun the looked made me want them really bad. So my mom bought me the Moon Bouncers. (:
The way they looked and how fun the looked made me want them really bad. So my mom bought me the Moon Bouncers. (:
a advertisement that has influensed me is the ones where you get the dance cd
They influenced me because they make it look so fun (: And it looks like something I would be something i would do. But then when you get it its not as fun as it looks and its hard work.
well bye (;
well bye (;
dakota clarke, advetment
One thing I want to buy is nom-chocks. Nom-chocks is so i can learn how to use them. Another reason is to use them like u see u movies. Another reason is just to have nom-chocks becuse they just look cool. Another reason is it just would be cool to own.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Proudest moment was when I got straight A's on my report card this year. I'm proud of this moment because it is the first time I had all A's in the middle of the school year. I would have had at least one B . My mom was also really proud of me. I'm trying to set a good example for my little sister so that she knows that you should get good grades in school.
My Music
If you found my ipod and you were to scroll through it you would find...... alot of Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne. I like rap,hip hop,and R&B!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My ipod Tyler Rangel
If someone found my ipod it would have rock, hiphop, metal and new metal. Some of the band are Green Day, Breaking Benjamin, Panic at the Disco, Papa Roach, My Chemical Romance and Maroon 5 and I have other but these are some. People might ask if I like these bands because I may look like a nice girl which I am but I would say " yes, I really like these bands because they rock!!!!!"
Friday, April 8, 2011
If someone would go on my ipod they would find out that I like country,rock,gospel,rap,hip hop,hop and hop so im all around in music. I listen to all that because I want to find out the rhythem! Also if they get my back ground then they will find out that Im in band/jazz band! I play trumpet,handbells,and bass guitair! So thats all I have to say!Sorry! Joseph B. McVey
this prince york wat kind of music you like. my is akon and i think he the best singer. if i would made a song of akon somepople would thin im a lil kid because orlder kids dn't listen to music..some people don't like him because he rich and there not
if ur ready go to and click search and put in akon hold my hand..
if ur ready go to and click search and put in akon hold my hand..
music I listen to
I listen to variety of music . I would listen to rock and a little bit of rap but mostly rock. If somone would find my music they probably find some older songs with newer songs and also think im older than I really am .
Music by Michael Gonzalez
I listen to Hip-Hop.I like some beats that they play on there. The station I listen to is Kiss 107Fm.There is a website where the songs they just played and it is mostly all over the U.S. Well this is it.
Music by Jeremy Williams
If you were to search my Ipod you could tell that I only Like SCREAMO/DEATH CORE. They would possible think that I'm scary. They would also think that I only listen to scary music. The would also think that I stay towards the darkness, or no light
My Music: Jeffrey Rangel
I think music can tell alot about a person and how they are. Like I would think most popular people would listen to rap or hip hop and most of those crazy and creative people probibly listen to rock music. I have a ton of different music on my mp3 like alot of hip hop, a little country, a little rap, and no rock. A person who saw my music would know I probibly like almost all kinds of music because I do except for rock music.
nate huff_ipod thingy ma bober
if someone found my ipod they probably be like this guy is awesome.its because i listen to stuff like sixx am and korn.that is all.
Music, Anthony Allen
If someone found my ipod and scrolled through it they would say that I'm a dark person that is also talkative. the reason someone might think I'm a dark person is because I listen to mostly rock and heavy metal but I might be talkative because I listen to some rap. Most of the time I listen to rock and sometimes country.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
My Music by madi.
If some one where to look through my mp3, they would see... well a huge variety of of diffrent music. i hate most country music so thats not on there. im kinda picky about my music too. for some reason i have alot of old school songs on there (lolz) but thats the kinda music my dad likes the best. you would also see alot of recent songs to. and some bands that are on youtube. to tell you the truth, music is my life!
My Dream Job. -Jessica M,(:
My Drean Job... Would Be... Umm... I Would Be A Secret Ninja With Meshell And We Would Go On Secret Missions And We Would Hunt Down Brandon And Shoot Him In The Butt. Thats Our Plan.(: I Love Her.
My Music! By Victoria(:
If people saw the kind of music I listen to on my iPod, they would think that... well to tell you the truth I don't really know what people would think. I have a mix of a bunch of music. I hate screamo, country, and rock music. There's a lot of techno, sad songs. love songs. and a bunch of other stuff.
P.S. Mitch Hewer is a sexy british guy! ;D -> 
Muuusssicc. -Jessica M,(:
If Someone Looked Through My Ipod , They Would See A Lot Of Rap And Some Rock. Theyd Mostly See Drake , Lil Wayne , Nicki Minaj , Waka Flocka Flame , And Wiz Khalifa.(; And Yeah. You Cant Really Tell Much About A Person By There Music ? Except For What Music They Listen To.. And Umm.. Bye.
Music can say alot in a person. I don't know how so i wouldn't be able to tell you. But I do know that it does say alot. If somebody from this school looked into my ipod, they wouldn't really like it. I listen to all types of music but mostly country. So I would doubt that people would like it.
kolton Whitmore Movie reveiw the roommate
I seen the Roommate awheil ago and its was horrable. The lady just messed with four people and a cat. She killed a cat and an old boyfriend and the movie was lame. She put a cat in the dryer. She tried to kill the main chick aunt but the the main chick was like no then the boyfriend came in and was like noooo but then he was hit with a lamp then the stalker got killed.
The music I listen to. By Cassadee Flor
If someone found my IPod, they would find screamo, hard rock, and techno. People would say that I'm Tri-Polar. One minute I'm sad, the next minute I'm hyper. I listen to Black Veil Brides, Slipknot, Blood On The Dance Floor, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Avril Lavinge, and Paramore. I don't like rap at all. It's so annoying. The only time I listen to rap is when it's B.o.B or lil' Wayne. But I love music with all my heart.

-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-

-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-
Music (:
If someone were to find my i pod and scrolled through it the would find a lot of hip hop. I love to listen to hit hop and sometime country. I love to listen to sad song. And love song are good to (:

Claudia Morales
If someone was to find my ipod they would see that I love music. I like to listen to diferent types of music. I like to listen to bachata,reggeton,hip hop and lots of other types of music. I love to listen to music.
Collin Anderson- Music
If somone went though my ipod they would see alot of rock and stuff like that. Dont really listen to rap. Thats all.
If someone found my ipod and scrolled through my playlists and favorites they would be able to tell that I love to listen to different types of music. I listen to reggaeton, pop, rap, and a some other types by various artists. I love music and listen to it all the time.
dakota,clarke music
MY favtie music is rap music all day. The reason why it is rap music. It is I rasie listening to rap music. Rasie listing to it my hole life even when I was little. I also listen to courty becusa my listen to it so I have no chocie but to.
Claudia Morales
Something I could not live with out is my ipod because I love to listen to music.If I didnt have my ipod I would be bored all the time. Especially in class I would be so bored because when im doing my work in class and I dont have my ipod to listen to I get so bored.
ipod: Rosemarie Scheel
If I had a ipod and someone found it I would have a lock on it so its hard to get in to but if they are smart and unlock it. If they where to go thru my favorits in my music they would think im a country gril with a brokin hart becuse I would have alot of sad songs like "dont take the girl by Tim Mcgraw" "just a dream by Carie Underwood" "this one's for the girl's" and many more song's like this

If someone found my ipod and saw my play list they would know i would be Mexican. The reason why would be because i would have alot of songs in Spanish.Another reason would be that their would be a little bit of English music.
If someone where to have seen through my playlist they would know that I was a latino who likes different types of music. I would mostly have Tropical or reggeton. I always like to listen different types of music. Techno and Dubsteb has to be my favorite types of music right now, they just always end up putting me in a good mood for some reason
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
My dream Job
My dream job is to be a Dancer.Dance is the most inportant thing in my life. I we love to have my own Dance Academic and show people diefferent dance like Salsa,Merenge ,Bachata and some other cains of music .That my dream job
Miss Lewis Dance
I i love Miss Lewis dance because is funny to see her doble dream hands .She looks like a lil girl traing to learn how to dance.For evry dance that they do in school she traids to lern a good dance so she can win a conpetition .Good look with that Miss Lewis
Monday, April 4, 2011
my porsolin dall :Rosemarie Scheel
The one thing that is scientifically made that I cant live with out is a porcelain doll I bought with my grandpa and grandma I will never forget that day
It was a hot weekend when me and my family had a family outing with cousins and grandparent's. We went this western theme place to eat. there was so many people that we had to put 3 long table's together. In side the restaurant they had a store full of beautiful porcelain dolls all hand made. I asked mom if I could have one and she said ya go pick one out. I picked one with a outfit that covered the hole body except 4 the face it had light brown eyes and long eye lashes its was the cutest thing I've ever seen I fell I love with it at first sight I still have it till this day and what makes it more special is that every time Ilook at it it reminds me of that day.
this is the same doll as mine
~Rosemarie Scheel~
It was a hot weekend when me and my family had a family outing with cousins and grandparent's. We went this western theme place to eat. there was so many people that we had to put 3 long table's together. In side the restaurant they had a store full of beautiful porcelain dolls all hand made. I asked mom if I could have one and she said ya go pick one out. I picked one with a outfit that covered the hole body except 4 the face it had light brown eyes and long eye lashes its was the cutest thing I've ever seen I fell I love with it at first sight I still have it till this day and what makes it more special is that every time Ilook at it it reminds me of that day.
this is the same doll as mine
~Rosemarie Scheel~
Jeffrey Rangel, Technology
It would be very hard to live without cellphones. I use my cellphone everyday to call my friends and family. If I did not have my cellphone I would not be able to call my mom at all because she lives in a different state. Also my parents would not or be scared to let me go somewhere on my own. The best thing about the cellphone is that it keeps everybody connected.
Friday, April 1, 2011
book reveiw
My book reveiw for you to read about is the hunger games! I chose that book because it has action,romance,details, and a page turner book! I would recommend the book to everybody!If you like the genre about this book then it would be a really good book to read!If you dont like it then sorry that you dont because its a really good book! Some stuff that comes from the book is that people go to the hunger games and they fight till the end of their life! its really exciting to read! I can't wait till the movie comes out! Thank you for reading! see ya bye! Joseph B.McVey
an invention by Michael Gonzalez
An invention I can't live without is T.V. T.V is a good for us by not being bored but it can cause us to be obisity. I usally watch T.V 4-8 hours. I just don't feel fat for watching T.V. alot. I eat alot when I watch T.V. I like to watch t.v at night mostly or when i'm bored. I feel bored now while I am writting this.
one thing i can't live without
One thing i can't live it with hockey.because hockey is dangers sports. i would never play hockey only if i had to do it really bad you can get ur nose brokeing u can get knock out and orther thing. if i ever play hockey i would quite the first game.
:) :( :")
:) :( :")
Shyla Ruby What i cant live without
I dont think i would be able to live without is my makeup. Life would be so very differnt because i do not ook good with out it. Im fine with throwing my hair up and going but i cant go anywhere without makeup. Well thats all i have to say about that.
One Thing I Cannot Live Without
One thing I could not live without would have to be a skateboard. The reason why is because I skate everyday. I also wouldn't be as active with outside. Without skateing there is no point in going outside for anything else
dream job bye brandon torres
My dream job would be a spy. I would like to be a spy because I could kill people and get away with it. I would aslo be able to use a whole buch of weapons. Also I think they get payed a lot of money.
My favorite scince item is a micro chip.
One item from science I could not live without is the micro chip.If there were no micro chip there would be no way to communicate, or get ahold of one and another. I could not be blogging right now. The would be no cell phones, iPods or game systems. We would be in the dark ages all we would have is fire. Though we would always have advances so we would always move forward.
Shoes Jesus Iraheta
If we didnt have shoes our feet would be dirty and all cut up. We wouldnt have people in the army, and if we didnt have people in the army BIG GIANT Apes will rule the world, and if that happens then we wouldnt be humans we would be apes. But thanks ALOT to who ever invented shoes.
Scientific Development! By Victoria(:
One scientific development I can't live without is the Internet. Without the Internet I wouldn't be connected to the world and see what's going on. The Internet makes life so much easier and fun. People all over the world can communicate with each other. They can play games and stuff when they're bored. And the Internet is very informational. :P
scientific development I could not live without. (: -Cheyenne.
One scientific development that I could not live without would be, electricity! Electricity is very, very, very important.Electricity runs pretty much everything that we use today. It runs our phones, computers, batteries, microwaves, light bulbs, heat, and pretty much everything we plug in. If we didn't have electricity then there will be a problem. It will be pretty hard to make stuff, communicate with people, or do anything! It might even be pretty boring. Having no electricity means no technology! And without technology then it will be like the old days. Very boring and hard to live. So I think if I didn't have electricity I would probablys have a very boring life and I would probably not know what to do. So im very glad we have eletricity. (:
My Favorite Technoligy !
My favorite technology development is probably, Clothes. If we didn't have clothes we could either be naked or we would be wearing animal fur all of the time. If we didn't have clothing stores we would have to go and hunt animals, kill them, chop off their fur and a lot of other gross things. A lot of people would be embarest to go out in public. It would be a CRAZY life if we didn' t have clothes or fabric to make clothes. 
Marcos-Video cameras
My favorite technology is videos cameras. If we didn't have video cameras I wouldn't be able to record me skateboarding. Another thing is if we didn't have video cameras we wouldn't be able to watch all the movies we have now. I wouldn't be able to handle it because I like watching movies with friends and all the other people I hang out with.
kolton whitmore surgical procedures
One thing that I think we could not go on if surgical procedures were not discovered because most people would die because the birth of babies is a surgical procedure. My mom would not be here because when she was little she fell on a knife and it went throught her spinal cord cut her aorta punctured her lung and with out surgical procedures she would have died. So the discorvery of surgical procedures are great.
Orlandrea Bickham, science
The thing i am happy that was invented was the computer, because if we didn't have computers where would half of the world benow, homeless and or what. Computers are one of the best invention in the world because they help you get your work done fast and when you have to pint papers and do work , the computer have everything you will need on it. If you don't have a computer or don't know how to use one I hope that you will because in the future computer will be everything. Pencil and papers want be alive anymore because they gonna cut down all the trees.
FIRE!!!! -Sterphan Arreola
One science discover that no human could live without is heat/fire. Without fire all humans would be could and we could eat no meat because it would only be raw. Also without fire there would be no........................ electricity which almost every American needs today and is very dependent upon. So remember everyone fire is one of the most important things a human needs t survive not cell phones or music.
The Thing I Can't Live Without By Tyler Rangel
The one thing I can't live without is the computers they are the most important technology that was made. Without this wonderful technology we would have no way to research anything in the world and there would be no way to see the news around the world. Plus there would be no way to Face Book or Twitter or My Space. I would to read more and I'm not saying reading is bad I just get bred sometimes. What would you do if there were not more computers.
Scientific things I couldn't live without. By Cassadee Flor
One scientific thing I couldn't live without is make-up or hairspray. But the only time I use hairspray is when I tease my hair. I like make-up. I usually wear make-up every once in a while. I always wonder what hairspray and make-up are made of. I know hairspray is flamable. I want to try and burn something with hairspray and fire. That would be awesome. But back to the subject...... Someone told me eyeliner is made out of bat poop...... Is that true??? Someone look that up. Haha. Well thats's all I have to say.

-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-
-Love and Ladybugs, Cassadee Flor-
Dream Job. (: -Cheyenne.
I'm not really sure what I want my dream job to be. But I either want to be a Forensic Science Technician, because I like science, math, and trying to solve crimes. Or I want to be a Pro-Softball Player, because I LOVE softball. I've been playing for 7 yrs straight! It's pretty much my life during the summertime. (: Or I want to be a Photographer, because I love to take pictures, and I love photography pictures. Or I want to be a Storm Chaser, because I love storms. I always wanted to see a tornado! Or see a blizzard, thunderstorm, or any kind of storm. But, I really don't know which one I want to be. It's too hard to choose since I love all of them. (:
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