Read about the Awesome things that are going on in our lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today In Ms.Lewis's class -Shyla Ruby

Today im very tired so class is very boring. I alsomst got saspened for whispering in class and its was stupid! Well now im in Ms.Lewis class and she wont stop talking about Justin Biebers Birthday And Honestly i really dont care. Well im tired and cant wait to got tanning after school and go home and eat because i worked my but off in P.E today!! Welp thats my blog for today -Love And Respect SHYLA RUBY AHA

1 comment:

  1. Shyla- You look pooped today. It must be all of that reading I'm making you do. As for Justin Bieber's birthday? Well... at least it only comes once a year. Miss L
