The Titanic
Rate : Five Star !
The Titanic Is A Great Movie. It Is Really Sad Though. It Is Romantic, And Funny. It is about A Man Who is searching for a Necklace by the name of "The Heart Of The Sea" in The sunken boat 'Titanic' And All he finds is a Nude Picture of a Girl Wearing the Necklace. They Announce it on the news. Rose Calvert (Gloria Stuart) See's it on the news and contacts him. She tells him that the woman in the drawing is her. She told him the whole story, and then brings up Dawson. Dawson, Is a Boy who got on The boat because he won tickets while gambling.
Later, She is confronted by Dawson who convinces her to come up from the railing. Rose invites Jack to dinner as a thanks, and after Jack spirits her away to a third class evening of dancing. Rose decides to decide her own future and asks Jack, who is an acclaimed artist to draw her nude wearing only the Heart of the Ocean.
The two then find their way to the cargo hold and find a rich man’s car waiting for them. They proceed to make love in the back seat before the ship hits an iceberg. After the ship hits, water starts filling the Boat with water, and starts sinking. Everyone Rushes to life boats and they only let women and children on. They did not have enough life boats to carry everyone on the ship. The back of the ship started going down and everyone started running to the top of the boat. The ship broke in half and the ship started going down faster. Then the whole thing sunk and Rose And Dawson didn't make it to a life boat. They were being pulled to the very bottom of the Sea. But they both got up, If you want to know the rest you can go watch the movie, But it is REALLLLY Goooood. [:
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